Reunion Information

We haven't heard any feedback from people. We are still looking for a hall that will host it for cheaper. If anybody knows anything or has any ideas please let us know soon. Thank you.

MySpace Countdowns

Reunion Committee

Nana Efa Attafua  • Demi Letsa  •  Christabel Dadzie   •  Nana Afriyie Agyeman-Duah 

Although you see only four names up there, this is OUR reunion. All suggestions anyone of us makes will be taken into consideration and be considered for the final event schedule. We would also solicit your help once the schedule and events are firmed up. This website was created to bring us together, in SISTERHOOD. It is our fervent hope that we can come together after 10 years, and share laughs, sorrows, and simply have a good time!!

Your classmates,

Demi, Afriyie, Nana Efa, and Christabel