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•   Trevor Borseth  7/30
•   Marcus Lewis  6/11
•   Alica Piecek (Lurth)  3/7
•   Colleen Smith  2/4
•   Mindy Reese (Jacobsen)  1/14
•   Ben Pearson  1/7
•   Jenn Sexten  1/5
•   Carly Griffith (Caird)  1/4
•   Jennifer Kiley (Christensen)  12/28
•   Kelly Joerg (Hutchens)  11/2
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alaska
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
50 live in Minnesota
2 live in New York
1 lives in Texas
49 location unknown
3 are deceased


•   Kelli Wikelius  9/25
•   Nicholas Edwards  9/27
•   Jennifer Kiley (Christensen)  9/27
•   Vahid Ellig  10/2
•   Colleen Smith  10/5


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the AHS Class Of 1999 website!

For questions reguarding the website please follow the 'contact us' link 

to get in touch with the following people:

Jenn Sexten

Colleen Smith

Nedra (Klinglehoffer) Henline

Jennifer (Hasskamp) Schneider



Thank you Class of '99 alumni!


Thank you to all that came to the festivities for the reunion! Everyone had a great time and things went smoothly. We had a fantastic amount of former classmates come out and enjoy dinner, raffle prizes, cake, a video yearbook, dancing, and karaoke....and I remember quite a few shots being consumed as well....

Also, thank you to the 40 Club for letting us host our party there and for doing such a wonderful job with dinner and keeping our tabs separated. I would also like to thank Colleen Smith's family for letting us have two house parties at their beautiful home...and for letting us use the hot tub.

Thanks to all that took photos and posted pictures on Facebook. If you are not yet on Facebook, you should sign up for an account....otherwise you'll miss out on some fantastic pictures!

Overall, it was an impressive weekend and I am sad that it went by so quickly. I am starting to see if there is interest in doing a 15 year destination reunion for anyone that would like to go on a 3-day cruise or something along those lines. We will talk about that more in the future and keep you posted, but if you are interested shoot me a message on Facebook or on the site here. We will of course, still do the big reunion again for the 20 year in 2019.

If you are interested in helping plan upcoming events in the years to come, or are interested in getting a booklet or photo from the 10 year reunion, let me know and we'll get you hooked up with that.

Thanks again to everyone for making it such a fun and successful weekend!!! Stay in touch!

-Jenn Sexten