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•   Benjamin David Pierce  10/25
•   Corey DeWayne Hall  10/2
•   James Stanley White Jr.  1/4
•   Ashlund Brettel (Billingsley)  6/17
•   Ricky Weylin Berry Jr.  9/23
•   Shanine LaDeidra Womack (Brown)  3/26
•   Tiffany Leticia Barrett  10/6
•   Thesso Lanard Banister Jr.  9/3
•   T. L. Gray  6/23
•   Shameka Shontay Smith (Singleton)  5/14
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in California
3 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
1 lives in Florida
65 live in Georgia
1 lives in Guam
1 lives in Maryland
2 live in North Carolina
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Virgin Islands
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in West Virginia
125 location unknown


•   Erick Ricardo Richardson  10/2
•   Benjamin Adam Corriere  10/3
•   Christopher Phillips  10/8
•   L'Tanya Thomas (Cuff)  10/10
•   Charles Keith Lupton  10/12
•   Kurtisa Jonia Hudson (Thomas)  10/15
•   Orlando Saffold Jr.  10/17
•   Latasa Monick Ball (Tate)  10/18
•   Leigh Ann Moore (Werner)  10/19


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!




Thanks to everyone who attended the 10 year reunion. It could not have been a success without you!

So, if you missed the Reunion, you missed a good time! Just talk to any of the 35 or so attendees. We had a small intimate group that enjoyed delicious food, drinks, and laughter all weekend. The friday night game was rainy and we lost (just like old times). A large group of us met at Harvest Moon (owned by classmate Kate Whiting and her husband) after the game. Some partied until 3 am! Then Saturday afternoon we met at Westover for fried seafood and chicken catered by White's Seafood in the cafeteria. Classmates brought their children and spouses to mingle and feast. Coach (and teacher) Jesse Jackson had the keys to the school and gave a grand tour so we could all see what had changed and what had remained the same. There is a new sports complex on campus with a his & hers weight room. Westover is now an acclaimed School of Excellence and any student in the city can elect to attend. We parted to rest and get ready for the main event that evening at Carnegie Library. The men were dapper and the ladies were dazzling. We had a huge spread catered by The Little Jamaican Restaurant (Shackleford Shopping Center) with baked chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, tossed salad, mixed veggies and dessert. We talked and danced until 12 am. The after party was held at Harvest Moon. Some classmates met Sunday for brunch before heading to their various destinations. Discussions started about the next get together. We are thinking 10 years is too long to wait so most agreed that a 15 year reunion was necessary. Enjoy the photos. ***Posed group shots must be purchased from the photographer. The candid shots will be available within the next few weeks  for ordering through or Details will be provided at that time. Photos were taken by McHaney Professional Photography. He did a great job. Please show your appreciation by ordering a print. See you at the next one!

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Please spread the word about the class of 1998 site. The 10 year reunion is over but the site is ours to post announcements and updates.

If you are in touch with any of the "missing classmates" who have not registered for the site, please contact them and let them know to visit the site.


Westover High School's

Class Of 1998
