Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Janice Albanese
Keith Balderson
Caroline Baron
Bob Barton
Rufus Becknell
Mark Bedekovich
William Black
William Booher
Jacqueline Brooks
Deitra Brown
Ken Brunton
Susan Brunton
William Budkey
Doreen Bufalini
Laura Carbonell
Dan Caton
Shawn Cody
Doug Cogan
Loree Collins
Gary Como
Rod Creese
Brian Criss
Jeffrey Davidson
Christine DeFrancesco
Sara Delahan
Victor DiSanto
John Dudash
Monica Duplaga (Farland)
David Eberle
Michael Elliott
Andre Ellis
Jeff Ford
Becky George
Daniel George
Rebecca George
Rich Gilbert
Gary Gill
Bill Glatz
John Goberish
Robin Godich
Eugene Gormley
Jay Grable
Clinton Gray
David Grimes
Despina Hages
Suzanne Halleman
Greg Henning
Tony Hillman
Gregory Hineman
Gabrielle Hollowood
Paul Honatke
Douglas Hook
Jeffrey Huchko
Michael Hughes
Randy Hysong
Joe Indovina
Lisa Ivanchan
Paula Ivkovich
Charlie Janicki
Marla Jessell
Shari Jurasko
Tom Kakiou
Timothy Kennedy
Amy Kerlin
Daniel Kiec
Yvonne Kimble (Miller)
Mary Kubis
Kevin Lalama
Scott Lander
Jeffrey Laney
Robert Lewis
Tom Lokomski
Pauline Long
William Lyon
George Mahrunich
Amy Markel
Ray Marticek
Rebecca Martin
Donald McElhaney
Bernadette McGivern (Mastramico)
Ron McMasters
Skip McNeill
Laura Meeker
Ronald Mercadante
Donna Michael
Stanley Michalski
Gary Mihalik
Lisa Minton
Vincent Moltiqua
Dennis Moreland
Rich Mowad
Sandy Murray
Alec Mutkus
Janet Myers
Stephen Naim
Len Nolfi
Timothy Nolte
Paul Paladino
Tom Palmer
Andrea Parham
Duane Parrish
Cori Peterson
Michelle Pinkosky
Tina Propst
Theodore Pushak
John Rihn
Lorraine Rinaldi
Kurt Rockwell
Kenneth Ross
Mike Ross
Carl Rossi
Deborah Rubine
Debra Schmidt
John Sculac
Nancy Sheets
Carol Shramawick
Patricia Shubeyski
Jamie Sisson
Steve Skeriotis
Rebecca Smeal
Judith Smith
Leo Smitrovich
Cheryl Soltis
Iva Staats
Robert Stacho
George Styfurak
George Sullivan
Valerie Swen
Mark Swogger
Michael Syrko
Doug Taylor
Debra Thompson
John Tirpak
Karen Tucker
Leslie Turner
Tim Ungarean
Nancy Urban (Dettmar)
Albert Vallese
Jamie Veri
Melanie Vest (Naugle)
Jeffrey Vitale
James Wallace
Veronica Wargo
Laurie Weatherby
Shawn Welsh
Sherrie Worrell
Christopher Yoko
Michael Zemkosky
Sylvia Zoiti (Guy)
Brad Zullo
