All About '88

The class at Medieval Times- Senior Trip


Class Officers:

  • Cheryl Oberdorf- President
  • Steve Minshew- Vice-President
  • Jenny Tessmer- Treasurer
  • Rebecca Postma- Secretary


Class Sponsors:

  • Rich Oakley
  • Karen Flora


  • Stan Knepp (7th grade)
  • Steve Buckley (8th-10th grades)
  • Don Bowman (11th-12th grades)

Mr. Buckley- He didn't like black leather ties.

Class Verse:

"For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s."  Romans 14:8 


Class Song:

"My Life, Lord, is Yours To Control"

Verse One
With my whole heart I humbly seek You,
now use my life O Lord, I pray.
I yield my stubborn will completely,
may Your commandments light my way.

My life, Lord, is Yours to control,
I give You my heart and my soul.
I'll seek Your will never mine,
rich treasures to find.
Give wisdom to choices I make,
along every path that I take,
so when I complete life's race,
"Well done", You'll say.
