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•   Debra Hunsinger (Moyer)  1/23
•   Barry Sterner (Sterner)  1/21
•   Susan Haddad (Kemmerer)  1/21
•   Diane Baker (Fatzinger)  1/21
•   Joanne Bednarchek (Larish)  1/21
•   Wanda Eminhizer (Poluka)  1/20
•   Jay Durner  1/20
•   Linda Hayes (Hayes)  1/20
•   Di Anne Hentzel (Galm)  8/30
•   Debra Schran (Trump)  7/29
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Kansas
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Michigan
4 live in Minnesota
3 live in New Jersey
1 lives in New York
5 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
72 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
1 lives in Washington
1 lives in Thailand
77 location unknown
24 are deceased


•   Denise Strubeck (Horn)  9/20
•   Julie Bingham (Davidovich)  9/22
•   Debra Hunsinger (Moyer)  9/28
•   Robert Goldman  10/2
•   Larry Dierkes  10/3
•   Parri Messner (Longworth)  10/4
•   Debra Dziedzic (Walker)  10/6
•   Sharon Massa (Crimian)  10/9
•   Thomas Gehringer  10/10
•   Peter Burkhart  10/12


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 32.4%

A:   60   Joined
B:   125   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Donation toward the class scholarship given in memory of Mark Turbetsky.

Salisbury High School
Class Of 1974

Welcome to the Salisbury High Class Of 1974 web site.

It has been almost 50 years since we were wandering the halls of our dear old Salisbury High School and we have all gone our separate ways. We would love to be able to keep in touch with you and inform you of any class events. Please create a profile on this site. It is a secured site and your information can only be accessed by verified classmates who are approved by the web administrator.



Please help your Salisbury Class of 1974 reunion committee contact your classmates! Did you know our graduating class was the largest in Salisbury’s history? There were 204 of us! Sadly, 24 of our classmates have passed. Of our 181 classmates the 97 of you receiving this email are the only contacts we have! That means we have no way to contact 84 of our classmates and most likely they’re unaware that we are having our 50th class reunion this year. You can help!

Would you take a moment and review the list of people further below for whom we have at least an email address? You will see your name, but you may not see the name of a classmate with whom you’ve stayed in touch. If so, we would sincerely appreciate if you would email us today any contact information that you have. An email address would be ideal so we can immediately send them the Class Reunion EVITE that you received.

Also, some of you receiving this have not RSVP’d to the EVITE. It is the best tool we have to manage the guest list. If you can, please search for it in your email box and respond. We all truly hope your answer is yes you are coming!

Best regards,

The Reunion Committee