20 Year Reunion


Saturday, June 20th at Golden Valley Brewery in McMinnville

Red Thistle Room

6 pm - doors open

7 pm - dinner

Cost will depend on how many people.  If we have under 30, we can order individually off a limited menu with items from $13 - $30.  If more, we will do buffet at between $25- $30 a person.  The buffet price does not include alcohol or soda beverages, but does include coffee and tea.

Friday, June 19th (optional)

If people want to go out, we can meet at the Hotel Oregon McMenamins at 8 pm in the downstairs dining area.

Lodging: There are rooms at the Hotel Oregon downtown or at the Comfort Inn or Red Lion on Hwy 18.  If you need more information, please contact me.


Directions: Corner of 3rd St and Lafayette Avenue - 980 NE 4th St
