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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
3 live in California
3 live in Colorado
2 live in Illinois
91 live in Iowa
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Minnesota
4 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Tennessee
4 live in Texas
2 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in United Kingdom
11 location unknown
23 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 43.5%

A:   60   Joined
B:   78   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Darned Covid-19 

For now, our next reunion is on hold until the pandemic passes and it becomes safer to make travel plans. We appreciate your patience - we're aware that not everyone is aligned on the relative risk, so we are erring on the conservative side. In the meantime, feel free to hop onto the Anamosa Class of 1975 Facebook page to post an update, or ask a question of the group. I will continue to add lost classmates to both sites.


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  2. Find your name on the list of classmates
  3. Click on your name to enter your postal and email address, and create a password
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Your 2020 Reunion Committee:  Wayne Sickles, Cindy Bickford Wolmutt, Roseann Redmond Hurt, Julie Lawrence Bellendier, Jill Rosencrans Darrow, Brian Darrow, Barb Doermann Wild, Dave Wild.


2015 Reunion Recap

The weather was picture perfect as 35 class members attended our Class Reunion on September 26, 2015. As you can tell from the "Who Attended" page (link in left column), we hosted a terrific cross-section of classmates at Fawn Creek Country Club, and those who couldn't attend were included in our reminiscences.

Earlier - The Homecoming Football Game

About a dozen classmates cheered the Raiders at the Homecoming football game against Camanche on Friday, Sept 25.   This top-shelf Anamosa team treated us to lots of yardage and touchdowns, ending in a winning score of 45-22.  Thanks to Bill Burhans for suggesting the game for our reunion warm-up.

School Tour
At 4:30 on Saturday, Brian Darrow (former school board member) arranged for us to tour of the High School, Strawberry Hill, and the new Middle School. Supertintendent Lisa Beames was our hospitable tour guide. The new additions and buildings are superb, and we had a great time remembering our own experiences in many of those same hallways.

Once again we had a group photo taken looking down from the balcony at Fawn Creek. It was after dark but our photographer had a nuclear powered flash :) Proofs of this and a variety of candids by our professional photographer will be available online at  Prints can be purchased online.

Class president Joel Newhard was our emcee for the evening, and during the program, we learned a few new things about our group - Here are our prize winners:

  • Most Great Gandchildren - Rene Miller
  • Longest Retired - Bill Burhans
  • Most Artificial Parts - Tom Randolph 
  • Traveled Farthest to Attend - Joel Newhard from San Francisco
    Runners up: Michael Freeman and Bill Burhans traveled from Texas, and Jennifer Hale Kennedy came from Colorado.

We also had an "open mic" time for people to share memories and funny stories about high school days. 

Thank you

Thanks to all who could attend--especially those who traveled long distances--and to the committee that helped put it together. 

Special thanks to Julie Lawrence Bellendier for making our photo name badges and floral centerpieces featuring yearbook photos. HUGE thanks go to Jacki Merritt Monk for making our space at Fawn Creek both beautiful and affordable, to Joel Newhard for serving as our emcee, to Jolene Clark Keeney for tracking all the registrations and payments. Super kudos to Wayne Sickles for setting up a great sound system and PA, and Jeff Lawrence for the 70's music, to Rosann Redmond Hurt for making signs for the football game, and to Brian Darrow for the school tour. And thanks to Jill Darrow and the entire committee for researching mailing addresses and making all the decisions that led to an enjoyable evending for all.

2018 - We dropped our land line, so my mobile is 319.551.2237 (text or call). Barb