20 Year Reunion


Our 20-year Class Reunion is scheduled for the weekend of July 9-11 in Anchorage. We've planned several events for classmates and family, and we look forward to seeing everyone.

Friday, July 9 - 6pm to 10pm - The Foredeck, Captain Cook Hotel

Cocktails begin at 6pm with a sit-down dinner at 7pm. Music and dancing and a slideshow presentation (see below if you have photos to submit for the slideshow). 

Saturday, July 10 - 1pm to 3pm - Lynn Ary Park, Turnagain

A family-friendly event, so bring the kids if you're so inclined and play some games and have a picnic. Burgers and hot dogs, along with potato salad, chips, and fixin's to be provided. Bring your own beverages, as well as any dish you'd like to share (salad, dessert, etc). You might also want to bring some chairs or a blanket to sit on as well.

Saturday, July 10 - 7pm to when we're done, or the bar closes - Anchor Bar, Downtown

A casual event at a West High Alum-owned establishment downtown. Appetizers will be provided.

Sunday, July 11 - That's up to you...

We're encouraging everyone to make plans with their old friends and their families, and do something together. Go hike Flattop. Walk the coastal trail. Go to Portage Glacier. Have fun and take the opportunity to spend it with your friends.

Tickets are $75.00 per person, $150.00 for a couple and will get you admission to all three sponsored events over the weekend. Children are no charge at the family event on Saturday afternoon.

If you have pictures you'd like to submit for the slide show, whether it's pictures from our high school years, or current pictures of you and your family, or you and classmates today, please send them to Susan Stainsby (Nidowicz) at photo@westanchorage90.com.

If you have questions on the reunion, please contact Erica Roy (Gill) at mepb@gci.net or Justin Pendleton at jpradio@yahoo.com.

Sorry, you must be logged in to buy tickets. If you would like to order please log in here.
Reunion Ticket - One Admission $75.00
