In Memory

Leonard Niemi



Leonard Niemi


May 27, 1972     The 65 foot crab fishing vessel Addington was lost off of Cape Uganik on the west side of Kodiak Island in the Shelikof Straits.  Three crewmembers went down with the vessel including skipper Melvin Torson of Kodiak, Leonard Niemi of Anchorage and John Cheplak of Kodiak.

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06/13/19 03:46 PM #1    

Ted Harper

Our physics teacher, Merlin Gruhn, encourged his students to submit Science Fair presentations.  Leonard showed up on the day of the fair with his entry and was given a display space.  It turned out that his entry was an terrific parody of Science Fair experiments, complete with written materials, explanatory posters, and a contraption with a rotating antenna, other moving parts and blinking lights called "Merlin's Marvelous Machine", which did nothing useful.   Mr. Gruhn took it with good humor.

I was vary saddened to hear that Leonard had been lost so few years after our granduation.

06/14/19 02:14 PM #2    

William Satterberg (Satterberg)

FYI to web person, Leonard's name is spelled Leonard.  Not Lenard.  Would be nice to correct.  I do remember riding often in his English Ford Consul nicknamed " The Crimson Cat."  Had a picture of the Pink Panther painted on it.  Leonard got stopped twice by the same APD cop on the Minnesota bypass in our senior year.  I was with him one time.  The cop told Leonard that he was doing almost 70 mph .  Leonard said his car couldn't go that fast and demanded a ticket so that he could prove to his friends the car actually could go that fast.  Cop refused both times.  Then there was the time that Leonard's dad told him to get rid of an old car in the back yard, so we buried it in the middle of Illiamna Drive ( it was dirt in front of Leonard's house).  His dad came home and asked what we did with it and Leonard simply said " We buried it " and his dad said, "Ok".  The next year, as the city was prepping the road for pavement and we sat on the front lawn watching the show, the road grader crushed in the roof of the car and almost tipped over.  We denied complicity....

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