Kimberly Vess Halbur

Profile Updated: September 21, 2009
Kimberly Vess
Residing In: Fargo, ND USA
Spouse/Partner: Dr. Duane Halbur
What do you do? Associate Dean
Children: Dominic Anthony, born 2005
Carolyn Maye, born November 2008
Yes! Attending Reunion
What did you do right after high school?

Attended Ball State, went onto graduate school at the University of Cincinnati. Stopped eating ramen noodles and got a job at age 27. BS in psychology, MA in Community Counseling, and PhD in Counseling.

Where else have you lived?

North Dakota

How often do you get back to Cicero/Arcadia?

haven't been back since our 10 year reunion

Favorite place to go?

Greek Islands
Anywhere with sun, sand and a glass of wine in my hand

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I've stayed in touch with Lori Morgan & Nancy Greve, both of whom were in my wedding. Nancy got top honors twice.

My studious side has emerged in adulthood--I've written 3 books, am a university dean/professor, wife and mom. Who would've thought?

When was the last time you belly laughed?

Today-my kids and husband are hilarious.

Some favorite memories

Sneaking out with Nancy Greve.
Spring break 1989...
Vincennes visit that involved a VW bug, Jenny Spencer, Lori Morgan and a lot of tylenol.

Who would you most like to see at our Reunion?
