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•   Joseph Chutter  1/5
•   Mike Worley  1/5
•   Emilee Walser  1/3
•   Gfhsdg Bgfxs  1/3
•   Chesley Lanford  1/2
•   Yance Thompson  12/15
•   Robert Carter  11/10
•   Laura Buckner  9/19
•   Kasha Candler  9/19
•   Justin Breneman  9/19
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2 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
25 live in North Carolina
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Virginia
28 location unknown


•   Josh Moore  10/11


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome past Merrimon Christian graduates and attendees! It is no surprise that Merrimon's classes were rather small, so in effort to re-unite past graduates and have more than 14 individuals attend, we decided to invite multiple class years from 1999 through 2003. 

This "High School Reunion" will be a time of fun, games, music, food, and sharing of the past times as well as the present ones! Some of us have not seen each other since graduation while others of us still keep in touch. Whether the reason for attending is to "rekindle an old flame...perhaps?  Ooooo.." or to just catch up with an old friend, it will be an unforgettable evening!

There are many means of communication these days, Facebook is an efficient way to create an event communicate with one another and update the event on a frequent basis. We do have "not so current" contact information for Merrimon graduates for the years mentioned above, however we NEED your help to track those down who you do not see listed here. Please either forward their contact information to

or post it here or just call 828.423.5299! 

Ted Warner's parents have offered to allow us to utilize the top floor of their "entertainment facility" at no cost to us. We have food, gag gifts, and potentially some other costs involved. We will be updating this event page frequently, so please check back with us as things will change. 

The original thought is to have the invitees attend along with 1 confirmed guest, so that way we can keep track of how many will be attending. Obviously this is not set in stone, so if you would like to bring more than one just let us know and we will make it work! 

Additionally, if anyone has any funny videos or pictures please forward them to me! I hope everyone is doing very well and we look forward to seeing the old gang!