In Memory

Teri Tilton

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09/07/09 11:25 PM #1    

Shari O'Neil (Hart)

Teri my most fond memory of her is when we went to Florida with the band. I still see her in pictures we took on the band trip, she was always smiling and happy. Teri was always surrounded by many friends. I was always just a little jealous about how she found ways to always be so happy. Miss you.

09/13/09 02:05 PM #2    

Cindy Reynolds (Jackson)

Teri was one of my best friends throughout junior high and then at Blazer. She was a genuinely sweet person, through and through! I remember going to her house for the first time and noticing that on her bedroom dresser, there was no "stuff". . .it was all clear and polished. I could never figure out where she kept everything! (My dresser was always piled up with a variety of objects) Also, we had many great times in the band together and I remember playing a duet with her at Thanksgiving one year at church on my flute with her clarinet.

One of my favorite memories however was on a trip to Myrtle Beach. Teri went with me and Becki Little (McDavid) went with Cathy Queen, I think. Anyway, I remember sitting on the balconey at Emerald Shores one night and singing (in harmony, I might add) "For Those Tears I Died", which was one of our favorite songs from church. Funny how those things stick in your mind.

Teri was dependable and a true friend. When I married Greg (after a not-so-perfect first marriage) I received a letter from her. She wanted me to know how happy she was for me and that she loved me and hoped things were looking up. That was a special, special act of friendship and I cherish it. love you Teri!

07/06/10 01:25 AM #3    

Jenny McCracken (Ross)

Teri Tilton was one of the sweetest girls I ever knew.  She was in a lot of my classes in high school and was involved in the youth group at Unity Baptist Church.  Over the years we had gone on many retreats and sang in the youth choir at church.  I never remember Teri saying a harsh word about anybody.  She was a wonderful friend and I will never forget her. 


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