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05/31/12 04:25 PM #5    

John Kemp

We will try to stay at the Marriott Courtyard in Foster City, but will be at the restaurant on the 14th and at the Reunion on the 15th.

08/08/12 06:36 PM #6    


Harriet Becker (Riley)

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 15th!! Anyone else going to the restaurant on the 14th?


08/16/12 12:07 PM #7    


Bob Britts


My wife Edy and I will be at Risottis on the 14th and I know Bob and Lynn Davidson from Aptos will be there. I am looking forward to seeing you!  

Bob Britts

09/13/12 08:47 AM #8    


Bill Sanders

Friday Afternoon Walk - Prior to our "Alpine" Function.

Anyone want to meet sometime in the afternoon & walk around the Stanford Dish, to work up an apppetite?

An Inquiring Mind wants to know. This would *not* be a race/competitive event; simply a Walk.

I could be talked-into-doing-that.

Bill Sanders

Leave Message or Brief Text at 858-752-4000

PS. Could "we" create a new Forum Topic/Thread for a "Friday Afternoon Dish Walk"?

09/16/12 04:15 PM #9    

Bob Berry

I would like to extend a thank you to Rosemarie, Linda, Diane and Allen for making this a very special reunion for all of us who were able to attend. It was a monumental task I am sure, and was so appreciated by everyone.
Bob Berry

09/16/12 05:27 PM #10    

Jeannie Osborne (Buscaglia)

Having worked on a few of these reunions, I KNOW WHAT IT TAKES to make our 50th Reunion such a success and I just want to say to Allen, Diane, Linda & Rosie (plus a few others) - - THANKS SO MUCH for this memorable evening - I loved it!

09/16/12 10:52 PM #11    

Marilyn Miller

This was the BEST reunion of all!   Kudos to the planning committee for great decisions, hard work, and a WONDERFUL web site that has kept and will keep friends connected.    Even being the olds farts we are, we still showed we could have a roaring good reunion!

Marilyn Miller

09/17/12 01:01 PM #12    


Marty Mattson

Kudos to the committee! You all did a great job, so thank you very much. My wife(Kellie) & I had a fun time and now she's thinking about attending a "Class of 65 turns 65" get together. Very proud of all who showed up. I think, as a whole we look very good for (as Marilyn says) Old Farts. I wish I had more time to chat with some of you that we just said Hi! Please feel free to contact me if you feel the same. All in all the "girls" looked great and Peggy's splits was VERY IMPRESSIVE! Thanks for the memories. Marty & Kellie Mattson



09/17/12 09:39 PM #13    

Claudia Dickman

Yes, I agree, this was a most wonderful reunion. All the hard work you organizers did was so worth it. Thank you so much. It was a very happy evening.

Claudia Dickman

09/17/12 11:15 PM #14    

Bob Davidson

What fun!! Bob and I had such a great time.  Thank you to the committee who did all the work.  We need to do this again.  Bob and I would  be glad to help.  It was fun connecting with friends we haven't seen in so many years.

Venue was great, music was wonderful and the company was the best.

Lynn Conrad Davidson

Bob Davidson

09/18/12 06:54 PM #15    


Kathy Barry

Want to add my thanks - I can only imagine all the work that went into our 50th.  So thank you to all the planners and doers.  It was a really fun event.

Kathy Barry

09/24/12 12:13 AM #16    


Barbara Hovik (Wirthlin)

Thanks to the wonder women Rosemarie, Diane, Linda and their male support Allen. The event was so well executed and the website has been a lot of fun.  Having not been to a reunion since the 10th one it was so fun to see you all after 40 years.  I recognized most everyone but had to look at a couple of badges to make sure.  Thanks for those who took the time to talk to me.  I was so glad i made the effort to come.  

Barbara Hovik Wirthlin

09/25/12 12:40 PM #17    


Don LeClaire

Hi Everyone,

Congratulations to the 2012 Reunion Committee.  You did a great job of compiling a lot (50 yrs.) of information and bringing us together and up to date. Our reunion was enjoyed by all and added to our M.A. memories.

(@:  Sheila Perry LeClaire

11/05/12 01:30 PM #18    

Peggy Biocini

Hi Everyone and Especially the Renunion Committee,

Please forgive the LATE note--- but I am highly technologically challenged and just happened upon this area by accident after receiving a note from Tony K.

It was wonderful to see everyone.... although my big regret is that I didn't "see" everyone, or spend more than a minute with so many people finally gathered together.  My fault.  Got caught up in the "now"-- the people seat with and the dancing!  So much fun though.  What a wonderful group of people -- MA and spouses too-- the best!

Thanks again to everyone who came and especially the committee!!!!.... Wow, what an enormous amount of work you did, and what a fabulous job.  Great to be together and now to receive the Reunion Photo!! Double thank you.

Ultimately, aren't all the friends and family and the connections we make with them what really mattters over time?  Hope to connect more with my old friends, and way more often.

All the best to you all,




11/05/12 01:41 PM #19    

Peggy Biocini

P.S.   'You can run but you can't hide. '

Marty, I guess you were one of the witnesses to my doing the splitz, as we all did our "thing" on the dance floor.  So much fun!  I guess we're not "that" old afterall.   

And a special thank you to Marsha Rose Stivers ( and Jerry) for paying $$ the DJ to stay that extra hour or so!!!     Like that country song says,  'When you have a chance to sit it out or dance, just DANCE! '  

Hope to meet all together again and enjoy eachother and dance at our next reunion.


11/22/12 10:52 PM #20    

Bob Berry

Merry Chrismas to all, and a very safe and happy New Year.

Bob Berry

12/29/12 03:02 PM #21    


Rosemarie Butera (Jorgensen)

Sending Warmest Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to all!!  



03/16/13 09:24 AM #22    

Bob Berry

Great job!  It is nice to have someone with the knowledge and skill to put" our memories " together to share!

We all thank you so much.

12/12/13 08:36 PM #23    

Bob Berry

Wow, the holidays are here again.  Have a wonderful and safe holiday season to you all!

12/14/13 04:56 PM #24    

Gay Carney (Smith)


God Bless, Carter, Gay, and Marge Smith

Our new address is:  1866 SW Aberdeen Court, Oak Harbor WA 98277

03/10/15 12:20 AM #25    


Marty Mattson

To the class of 62, I  just watched a PBS "YearBook" show years 60-63. We really lived, loved & played in a wonderful time. Watching the young boys & girls of American Bandstand and all great songs & singers me proud and sad. The youth of today just won't have what we had, a quieter, gentlier, easier time. No cell phones, computers, instant everything  made life simpler. Looking back, I think I miss that! My very best to all for a enjoyable, simpler lfe.   Marty Mattson

03/10/15 03:35 PM #26    

Linda Shuck (Budowski)

Thank you, Marty, for your thoughtful statement.  I couldn't agree more.  Linda (Shuck) Budowski

03/10/15 09:28 PM #27    

Bob Berry

You are so right!  Our lives were not just great, but inspiring.  We had many of the most caring, supportive teachers, Principals and counselors alive.  So many of us are thankful for our time together.  There are so many who left us early, without experiencing it all. Thank you for sharing!

Bob Berry


03/11/15 11:40 AM #28    


Elizabeth McDearmon (Werner)

Ditto to all your comments!   the 50's and early 60's were a great time to be growing up.  I would  have loved to have seen the PBS program about 1960-63.  It must have brought back memories of the music we were listening to and the times we lived in.   Although I now live across the country from MA, I have fond memories of our years in high school.

06/25/23 06:58 PM #29    


Mason Abramson

Hi y'all from hot and sunny Oroville California.  Does anyone know where Luis  Belmonte is? Hope you all are well and forward looking as we go into our 80's

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