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How The Site Works

How The Site Works


Welcome A-HL Classmates!

How it Works:    This site is administered by Mary Koch Thompson and Amy Nossum. This is an all volunteer site.  If you are interested or know any class members interested in helping please contact Mary. Just leave a message by clicking on her profile, or you can send an e-mail to aurorahoytlakes88@gmail.com


How to Use This Site

Getting Started: Click on the "Classmate Profiles" tab in upper left box. Find your name in the list of classmates and click. A "JOIN HERE!" box will appear. Then "click here now" and follow the instructions. Please supply your address, email address and phone number and anything else you'd like to share right away. Read other classmate profiles for ideas. You can always come back later to add more information or personal photos. If a yearbook photo is available, we'll automatically upload it. This web site is provided free to you so please join in!

Homepage: This page is where the main information and announcements are made. The left tabs will help you navigate to more information. We are constantly building the site and adding new information.

Left Navigation Tabs: The tabs are labeled to show what content is available. Since we are building the site, not all tabs are functional at this time.  If you have photos to share, please let us know. The "In Memory" tab contains names of deceased classmates. We'd appreciate your help in keeping this special list as current as possible. We also encourage you to share your memories of these classmates by clicking on their names and adding your comments. We are in the process of uploading memorial yearbook pictures and will try to get the obituaries uploaded as they are available. If you have a question or wish to make comments, click on the "Contact Us" tab. We'd love to hear from you!

Member Functions Box: Classmates use the tabs to update their profile and contact information. You can also upload photos (see below), post announcements, change your password and then log out. Log out after making any changes and then log back in to check to see your revised information.

Privacy: All contact information you enter into your profile will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Site administrators will use email addresses to contact you and send class related announcements only. Your contact information is private. When a classmate clicks on your name, only your city and state will appear along with other information you choose to share. Your address and phone can't be seen by classmates unless you grant permission on your profile page. Your email address is not viewable. However if you send a message to someone through their profile using the contact box at the bottom of the profile page, the classmate will see your email address so they can respond to you.

Password Protect: You can check the "Profile Visibility" box at the bottom of the profile page to limit only registered classmates access to your personal profile. A padlock icon will then appear next to your name in the profile list. If this option is selected, any registered classmate who is logged in will be able to view all classmate profiles, but search engines and the general public will be blocked from accessing profile pages.

Forgotten Password: If you forget your password, just click on the "Forgot Password?" retrieval feature in the login feature and it will be mailed to you.

Remember Me: If you click on "Remember Me" at your log in, you will not need to log in the next time you go to the site. You can log in from computers other than your home computer, but then you will need to enter your password.

Change of email or street address: When your contact information changes, please update your profile--we don't want to lose you! We keep our Class of 1988 list current by downloading contact information from this website.

Subscribe: Keep up to date by "subscribing" to other classmate profiles. You will receive an email when they update their pages.

Upload Photos: To upload a single photo, it is easier to first have the image ready on your computer deskop and log in from the Home Page. You can use .jpg or .gif as the most common image formats, but not .tiff. Click on the "Edit/Upload Photos" tab. The photos for (your name) page will appear and you’ll see a box "Upload New Photo". Click on it and you will be at the upload page. Click on the box "Add Files". A dialog box with a list of images on your desktop will appear. Highlight the picture you want to add. Click the "Upload" button to add the picture to your photos. You will now be back at the page "Photos for (your name)". If you are uploading multiple photos, you'll next need to sort them in order of how you wanted them displayed. Add descriptions by using the "Caption" option. If you want to choose one of your pictures to be your Master Photo, click in the Master Photo circle for that picture. Your Master Photo will appear in your emails and forum posts. Important: Click the "SAVE CHANGES" button at the bottom of the page! Now go to your Profile page and look for your picture and caption. Delete photos using "Delete" box above the photo. Shortcut for multiple pictures: If you are uploading several pictures that are in different folders, you can copy them to your desktop, then delete them later. Make sure you COPY, not move, your pictures, so you won’t delete the originals.

Music: A Playlist is embedded in the 80's Music tab.It contains the top hits from 1987-1988 plus a few extras. It is set to shuffle through the songs randomly, but if you want to hear a specific song, just click on it. If you want a favorite song added, please contact us!

Important: Please add (or allow) the following email address to your "Safe Senders" list so that your spam blocker will allow emails through from your classmates. <postmaster@classcreator.net>

Cost: This website was created at www.classcreator.com and was formatted and is maintained by your classmate volunteer administrators, Mary Koch Thompson and Amy Nossum.  It is provided at no cost to you.  
