Not a member?
Find and click on your name.


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Barstow High Class of 2005 web site!!!  This site is maintained by the Class Reunion Committee, just for members of Class of 2005.  Through this site you can keep in touch with classmates and keep up with plans for upcoming reunions.

It only takes a few minutes to register for a login:

  • Click on Classmate Profiles 
  • Find your name on the list of classmates, and click on it
  • On the next page, click on the JOIN NOW link.

Then fill out your information on the next few pages.

**If you do not see your name listed please contact us and we will get you add immediately.**



Help Us Find Missing Classmates

There are still a lot of people we have not found.  Click on one of the Missing Classmates links and take a look at the list.  If you know someone's email address, just enter it and we will send them an email to sign up.  Then it's up to them to register.

What if I know a Missing Classmate's postal address, but not their email?

Click on Contact Us and let us know the postal address.  We will make sure the classmate gets a written invitation to the Reunion.



This is our Barstow High Class of '05 Web Site

  You can chat with other classmates on line ... Send us pictures that you want to see on the web site ... AND MOST OF ALL ... keep in touch through Contact Us and let us know your ideas for the web site or future class reunions.  (The web site is ours for at least the next five years, so think about life after reunion, too.)