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Joyce Cook

Profile Updated: July 26, 2013
Residing In: Austin, TX USA

I live at 5201 Balcones Drive in Austin, TX 78731. My family moved to Longview after my junior year at BHS, and I went to the state school, University of Texas. Studied German and English, grad school in German, Fulbright Scholarship to University of Hamburg in northern Germany. Being a port city, it's on the North Sea, and is COLD and icy in Winter.

Taught German at Friendswood High School near NASA. Worked at Houston Ballet as THE indian among lots of chiefs. Was project director for The Living Bank, national organ and body donor registry, and got to travel a lot and hang out with interesting people, like Sheriffs, paramedics, funeral directors, hospital staff, etc. Took off 5 years to have a daughter and stay home with her (Rose), then went back to work for 14 years as MBA Advisor for the Grad School of Business at Univ. of TX, now The McCombs School. People who know me as a liberal arts and artist type would raise their eyebrows and say;, "You, with those greedy aggressive MBAs?" Well, they needed a little soothing and balance.

I'm retired and paint, currently watercolors, and sell some of my work. I read avidly, practice Pilates, and just regular life.
