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10/13/08 08:57 PM #1    

Tracy Scullion

Welcome to the Harper Creek High School Class Of 1989 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

12/04/08 04:35 PM #2    

Henry Hicks

Hey Tracy, Great job on this site! Hopefully everyone will start getting on here and updating! How are things going in reference to the reunion?

12/14/08 10:53 PM #3    

Brenda Lord

Tracy, I love this site. I'm really enjoying seeing everyone on here. I can't believe it has almost been 20 years already.

12/31/08 11:48 AM #4    

Poppy (Old Nickname) Richards ((Pamela) Zelent)

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful New Years! Be safe, hope to see lot's of people at our 20 year reunion!!!
(We can't be that old!...can we?)

01/07/09 11:45 PM #5    

Catherine Smith (Rist)

Hi Tracy, This site is perfect. Thanks! Any ideas/dates for weekends? I'm seeing a bunch of good airfare and would love to bring the family with me...

01/22/09 06:19 AM #6    

Randall Smith (Now Malcolm Caluori)

Hey all! Tracy, this is a fantastic idea, so glad you put this together! I know with the name change and all, no one would be able to find me anymore down here in Atlanta (As a composer, Smith just wasn't going to do, nothing personal dad - And "Malcolm", well that was given to me by Kate Bates as a joke in Junior High. Later on, it stuck).

When IS the reunion? We tried to come to the 10 year, but somehow showed up in Michigan one weekend too late! Still can't figure out how that happened... At least I could turn it into a family visit.

Remember how Mrs Lawrence somehow got all the jocks to sing in the school musical, because it was about baseball? I've still got the video somewhere - TERRIBLE "singing", but what heart! Good sports, guys. Thanks!

03/12/09 01:36 PM #7    

Angie Sanchez

hey tracie... do you have anything for the reunion dated yet? no pressure!!! i just really thought at one time i saw something and now i don't. hope everybody is doing good these days.

03/19/09 10:05 PM #8    

Cindy Blyveis (Heilveil)

Tracy Thanks so much for doing this. Because of the this site, I am able to get in contact with some high school mates. You are one awesome lady! It only takes one person to make a difference for someone else and you have made that difference for me. Thanks again. I can't wait to see everyone at the reunion. It is going to be a blast. Hey Randy! I like the new name. It fits. Have a great day to everyone!

03/25/09 05:41 PM #9    

Poppy (Old Nickname) Richards ((Pamela) Zelent)

Class of 89', update your profile and let everyone know if you can attend the Reunion August 1st 2009! Go under "Edit Profile" and check the box to attend! :)
Hope we gets LOTS of people!

04/27/09 01:14 AM #10    

Torrell Humphries


Nice website. I got one word for ya. AWESOME!!!!!!!!thanx for allowing us to stay in touch with the glory days.

05/18/09 02:58 PM #11    

Dana Fogg (Strang)

Anyone have any ideas for getting together on Friday night or Sat after the show?

05/21/09 01:20 AM #12    

Scott Shaffer

Try to meet at THE BALLJOINT?

06/05/09 01:00 AM #13    

Misty Rivet (Fox)

I like Dana and Scott's idea of after the show of going somewhere that would be cool. I love this site and facebook, its nice to be able to talk to friends again from high school. Good Job Tracy

06/07/09 08:35 PM #14    

Patti Tyjewski (Ernst)

Why do we have to go anywhere after the show? We can hang out at Gary Fields. They'll have the patio open and live music is usually there. We can hang out there and drink, eat, dance, talk, or whatever. When Tracey and I met with the manager of Gary's we didn't intend on it just being a show. That is just an added bonus. The intention was to eat and drink and mingle and stay as late as we want. Hope this clears it up! But if people want to leave that's ok too. Just wanted you guys to get the full idea.

06/11/09 12:54 PM #15    

Christin Piper (Berry)

Tracy and Patti, Great Job! this is awesome... Hi everyone. This is so.... fun already. Keep making contacts and getting everyone you can think of to come to the reunion. I will see you all in August. Go Harper!

06/12/09 02:57 PM #16    

Andrea Green

This web site is great Tracie. Has been so long since we all graduated? Where has the time gone? I love being able to connect with everyone again. I actually found people on facebook first and thats what led me to this site. I was wondering though if anyone knows the story of christopher Juhnke? Please contact me through the message board here or on my facebook page. So sorry that I'm learning about the reuion so late but I'm moving that weekend but we will be up in Michigan real soon and I hope to see some of you then.

06/25/09 04:09 PM #17    

Michelle Thayer (Lockwood)

I liked Patty's idea of just hanging out there too. There's always something going on down there and we should have plenty of room to mingle and catch up! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

06/26/09 02:26 PM #18    

Jenny Stoeckley (Cronin)

Hi everyone it's Jenny, This is a great website. Thanks Tracey. Any other activities other than the comedy club planned for the weekend of the reunion? Any other information available? We are interested in coming from Denver, Co just need more info. Are there any hotel deals, for the reunion?

07/21/09 08:02 PM #19    

Cara Cutsinger (Curtis)

I can't wait to see everyone for the reunion. I definitely think we should plan something (even if it's just hanging out at one of the old places) for Friday night. I keep debating about whether to actually watch the comedy show on Saturday or just hang out. I'm leaning toward just hanging out because I can see some stranger of a comedian anytime...I can only see my high school classmates after twenty years for this one night! What's everyone else doing?

07/22/09 10:32 AM #20    

Deborah Johnson

Tracy-the site is great. I laugh at the music every time I log on. THANKS!

Cara- I am all for meeting up Friday night but I don't know anything about BC anymore... Ideas? Is the Balljoint the place we went on Friday before the 10 year reunion? What about the Moonraker?

07/23/09 10:37 AM #21    

Cara Cutsinger (Curtis)

Yeah, I don't know either. I've actually been to BC a few times this summer and learned that there's Miller's which is the old McCoy's on Helmer and I know of the Griffin, which is downtown, and the good ole Moonraker. Maybe the Raker is the way to go?

07/23/09 10:37 AM #22    

Cara Cutsinger (Curtis)

Oh, btw, where's the balljoint?

07/23/09 05:12 PM #23    

Darrick Bria

Hey Tracy, This is neat, seeing everyones updates. I can't make it to the reunion, but I've been in touch w/ a few classmates. I'll be in town on the 5th through the 9th. My mom lives in K-zoo so I get by once in awhile. I 'm looking to touch base w/ Holly Rich and her husband and Andrea Green and her husband are coming up from Texas.

07/28/09 06:03 PM #24    

Deborah Johnson

I think the balljoint is over by the Federal Center right? Maybe that's the place we went for the 10 year...who knows. let me know about the raker and we will drive down.

07/29/09 10:49 PM #25    

Ruby Heinz

Sadly, I know where the Balljoint is, lol. My family and I go there the Wednesday before Thanksgiving each year when I travel back into town. It is just west of the Beckley Road/ Capital Ave. intersection on Beckley, across from Cracker Barrel.

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