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•   Gina Eickhoff  2/16
•   Travis Heyward  2/1
•   Michelle Friedman (Griffin)  2/1
•   Chani Whitlock (Barton)  2/1
•   Candice Atkins  12/9
•   Sharonda Fields  2/24
•   Keanta Speaks (Dunham)  2/18
•   Twanna Wilson  7/8
•   Jamie Olsen (Welsh)  8/7
•   John Welsh  8/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Armed Forces Europe
4 live in California
6 live in Florida
10 live in Georgia
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Missouri
2 live in New York
6 live in North Carolina
32 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
3 live in Virginia
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in Spain
154 location unknown


•   Shavorn Simmons (Jenkins)  10/4
•   Dorneisha Batson  10/8
•   Catrina Mack  10/13
•   Lakita Dudley  10/14
•   Ruby Devine  10/17


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Battery Creek High School
Class Of 1999

Welcome to the Battery Creek High Class Of 1999 web site.

It's hard to believe it's already been 10 YEARS!!  Join your classmates this May to reunite with old friends and teachers and reminisce about the old days.  Everyone from the class of 1999 is invited.  Hope to see you there!


How to Use this Website

Left Navigation Pane

·         Classmate Profiles - Click this link to view classmate profiles or update your own profile

·         10 Year Reunion – Go this page to find out information about our upcoming class reunion, including how to register and purchase tickets

·         Message Forum – Use the message forum to start or participate in an existing dialogue

·         1999 History/Videos –Take a trip back in time to remember what was happening in 1999

·         Contact Us – Questions about the website or reunion? Click on the Contact Us link to send an email to the website administrator

·         In Memory – A tribute to classmates that have passes away

Right Navigation Pane

·         Who’s Online Now – Shows classmates that are currently on the website

·         Profile Updates – Shows classmates that have recently updated their profile

·         Where Are They Now – Wondering where an old friend is now?  Use the dropdown box to select their name.  You can then view their profile and choose to send them an email.

·         Where They Live – Shows the states in which classmates currently reside.  Click on a state to see which classmates live there.

·         Upcoming Birthdays – Shows classmates with birthday in the next 30 days

·         Missing Classmates – Know classmate that hasn’t registered on the website?  Send him/her an email to get them connected with the rest of their classmates.