Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Sue Arnold
LInda Bagley
Barbara Baker
Rhea Banner
John Bartholow
Betty Beegle
Cheryl Beegle
Craig Beegle
Carolyn Biddle
Mary Jane Black
Karen Blackburn
Joyce Boore
Constance Bowser
Linda Brown
Patrica Brown
Sue Brown
Nancy Burkett
Donald Cessna
Donna Cessna
Linda Clapper
Trisha Clark
Kerry Claycomb
Gloria Clites
Dorothy Cornell
Leslie Crawley
Ray Crissey
Sandra Delaney
William Demarest
Sylvia Detweiler
John Diebert
Cindy Diehl
Daniel Diehl
J. Rodney Diehl
James Diehl
Judith Diehl
Patricia Diehl
Sheryl Diehl
Steve Diehl
Barry Dietz
Larry Dietz
Christine Easton
William Elliott
Victoria Feight
Dean Fetter
Josephine Foor
Storm Foor
Thomas Foor
Allen Foreman
Margaret Getz
Janet Glasgow
Leah Graybill
Frank Grazier
Thomas Greaser
Charles Greenland Jr.
Cynthia Grimes
Wyatt Guthrie
Judith Hall
Judith Harclerode
James Hartsock
Salley Henderson
Conny Hershberger
Donald Hershberger
Gwyn Hershburger
Joseph Hershburger
Sara Hine
Linda Hite
Frank Hoffman Jr.
Gary Hollis
Linda Hoover
Barb Housel
Charles Howsare
Daniel Howsare
Joyce Howsare
Richard Hoye
Adam Imgrund
Cynthia Imler
Samuel Imler
Mary James
Grace Jefferies
Jennifer Jewell
Peter Keifer
Cynthia Kilcoin
Daniel Koontz
Rebeca Land
Kristine Landis
Royal Laurie
William Leibfreid
Timothy Lesh
Linda Leydig
Beverly Lint
Gary Logue
Larry Louchner
Beverly Lutz
Connie Lybarger
Francis Madore
Evelyn Mason
Harold McConahy
Thomas McDevitt
Cynthia McIlnay
Gregg McKinley
Randall Mellott
Eddie Miller
Jack Miller
Park Miller
David Mock
Sharon Morgart
Donna Mortimore
Randy Nee
Harold Norris
Thomas Oster
Susan Pencil
Thomas Pennel
Mary Pensyl
Jacqueline Perdew
Nancy Perdew
Shirley Perdew
William Price
Deanna Rader
William Randolph
Cynthia Reese
Robert Reiley
Mickie Reppert
Susan Risser
Gordon Roose Jr.
Linda Rose
Susan Rose
William Rose
Connie Ross
Ann Schisler
Ronald Sciranko
Susan Shaffer
James Sheirer
Carl Shiner
Warren Shippy
Linda Sigler
Barbara Smith
Cynthia Smith
Gloria Smith
Jay Smith
Kenneth Smith
Patrica Smith
Ronald Smith
Sharon Smith
Deborah Sneed
Barbara Sone
James Sproat
Clyde Stinson
Candice Suggars
Barry Taylor
Joseph Taylor
Mike Telmanik
Sandra Telmanik
Ted Tew
Anna Trail
James Tritt
Anna Turner
Doris Twigg
Kaen Wackerman
Richard Wertz
Julia Weston
Harold Weyand
Ronald Whitfield
Dave Wilhelm
Bonnie Will
Cynthia Wilson
Isaac Wilson
Anna Belle Wood
Dorothy Wright
Juliet Wright
Ellen Zembower
John Zembower
Joyce Zembower
Judy Zimmerman