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•   Beth Ketzler-Naughton  1/2
•   Heather McLeish  9/16
•   Dori Watrous (Sweet)  9/21
•   Chrissy Carnes (Nicholie)  12/30
•   Chris Harbaugh  8/2
•   Kathie Harris (Bailey)  7/19
•   Mitch Meeder  7/18
•   Michelle Bolle (Perkins)  7/2
•   Regina Witowski (Lattimore)  6/5
•   Laura Bottomley (Brown)  5/5
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in Colorado
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Louisiana
18 live in Michigan
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Texas
15 location unknown


•   Chrissy Carnes (Nicholie)  9/24
•   Heather McLeish  10/9


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What an amazing weekend!  It was so great to see everyone again.  Keep checking this site for comments & pictures.

I am still reeling after the weekend!! We had a great time. My children can't stop talking about it all! Its funny how our children were all instant friends. Meagan, your son left quite an impression on RJ! He asks when we are going to visit his friend again. And my Josie tells everyone she meets that there are TWO Josies, and the other one is a girl and she is her friend.(My kids words!!) Corinne really hit it off with Robbie's daughter, Ali, and Isiah has decided he will live in a cabin in the woods just like Mitch and Shelly's. (Hey Mitch, ya up for building one more?) Tim, your wife was delightful, I enjoyed meeting her. Heidi, wow!!(enough said) Katie, thanks again for the rooms, they were perfect. Scott, thanks for being such a sport, and all jokes aside, you look great. Actually, we all look pretty great! We are indeed a good looking group of folks! Thanks for all the planning and hard work that went into making it great. I look forward to pictures, I am dependent on getting them from you guys, since no one in my clan thought to bring a camera! I enjoyed seeing everyone, and meeting your families. Keep in touch, Gina.
Just wanted to tell you all that it was REALLY great to see every one of you, visit, meet your spouses & kids and hang out! Thank you all for your generosity and great company. Thank you especially to Shelly, Katie and Chris for your exhaustive was great! I'll see what I can do about Facebook...don't expect great things, but I just might capitulate under the peer pressue! I bid you all peace, happiness and continued success. Love, Heidi
This weekend was a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone again. To the planners-- Katie, Shelly, Mitch and Chris (and anyone else I missed)-- everything was wonderful. Thanks for all of your hard work.

hey everyone! bill and i had a great time, was so nice to see all of you! thank you to chris, shelly and katie for all the planning. i can't wait to see more pictures! take care, all of you and keep in touch!