Classmate Profiles (1946)


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Marilyn Auth
Mary Alice Born
Pat Brady
Pete Brown
Bill Bruce
Shirley Clark
Elfrie Coe
Beverly Dunn
Marie Foran
Roseann Ford
Harold Frye
Margaret "Margie" Frye (Frye-Wright)
Bill Gallivan
Rose Glennon
Josephine Grennon
Bessie Halterman
Elizabeth Heckman
Wilber Honselman
Shirley Johnson
Shirley Jordan
Peggy Koebel
Norma Lamb
Lois Lawson
Charles McCullough
Bill McManus
Bob Moery
Ralph Morgan
Tom Murphy
Mary Pierce
Jim Porter
George Romack
Frances Sebens
Doris Shepherd
Betty Warren
Albert Weakley

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