In Memory

Ellen Gentry - Class Of 1986

Ellen Gentry

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04/06/09 01:24 PM #1    

Mark Murray/Durbin (1985)

Ellen was one of my best friends in grade school, I can remember walking her home from school on numerous occasions. She was always so sweet as was her sister and Mom. I will miss her terribly we had tons of laughs together.

07/01/09 03:23 PM #2    

Donna Mitchell (Walsh) (1986)

Ellen always pitched in with whatever school activity she was involved. Although some thought her as shy or timid, she was anything but if you ever sat down to talk with her. Even after graduating high school, I remember how kind she was to me when I was ill. She helped watch my son when he was a toddler at Kaye's Daycare a few times. Once when she approached me about making personalized chocolate bars for the Sunday School Class she helped with at her church, I recall how red her face got when I complimented her about she still pitched in as she did in high school. As each and every classmate holds a place in my mind, Ellen will always be remembered fondly.

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