

It costs a lot of money to put on a great class reunion; therefore, we can use all the help we can get. Rest assured that any amount of money you decide to share with us will be put to good use in order to make our high school reunion the best reunion possible.

Becoming a Sponsor for the BHS Class of 1989 20-year Reunion is a great way to support our class and promote your business. All donating organizations and individuals will receive free advertisement and/or acknowledgment via our Sponsor page that directly links to your business or personal website (if available).

Your Monetary Support will help provide funding for decorations, door prizes, food, drinks, and entertainment. We are also accepting contributions as Memorial Gifts, which can be made in honor of a friend, family member, or business associate. The honored individual or family will receive an acknowledgement that a gift has been made.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in becoming a sponsor or would like to make a Memorial Contribution, please Contact Us; otherwise, you may make a Monetary Donation by clicking on the Donate Button located at the bottom of this page.

You may also make a monetary donation by sending a check payable to: BHS Class of 1989 Alumni. Please mail checks to: BHS Class of 1989 Alumni, c/o Tara Thompson, #57 Potawatomi Trail, Urbana, IL 61802.

Please, take a moment to appreciate our sponsors below who have made contributions towards our High School Reunion. Show your support by clicking on their logos below and visiting their sites. 

Thank you for helping support Bement High School Alumni, Class of 1989.


Sponsorship Donation: Class Web Site, Free of Charge 


Sponsorship Donation: Location for Saturday night Reunion


Entertainment provided by DJ David Farmer, Krazy David's DJ Service


Sponsorship Donation: Catering service provide by Rex's Catering


 Sponsorship Donation: Reunion Cake donated by Valerie Brumfield


Sponsorship Donation: Friday night bonfire hosted by John Paul Hendrix


Sponsorship Donation: Gift Certificate Door Prize, 11x14 Pencil Portrait, $300 Value


 Sponsorship Donation: Gift Certificate Door Prize, One (1) Free Oil Change, $24.95 Value


Sponsorship Donation: Gift Certificate Door Prize


Sponsorship Donation: $5 Cash


Sponsorship Donation: $10 Cash


Sponsorship Donation: $50 Cash


Sponsorship Donation: $50 Cash


Sponsorship Donation: $100 Cash


Sponsorship Donation made by Tara Thompson: $25 Gift Card Door Prize


Sponsorship Donation: $25 Cash