Martin Greenberg

Profile Updated: March 7, 2009
Martin Greenberg
Residing In: West Orange, NJ
Spouse/Partner: Essie
Occupation: Physician
Children: Sean is 23 and working in NYC in finance with a private firm and thoroughly enjoying it

Max More…is 20 and currently a junior at UVM - he is a solid goaltender and plays on the UVM club hockey team
Yes! Attending Reunion

After graduating UVM I spent the next 10 years in medical school and then residency/fellowship training. Currently I'm in private practice and am an attending physician in pulmonary/critical care medicine a large teaching hospital nearby my home.

I met my wife Essie as an intern as she was and still is a fantastic nurse. She is a wonderful person and we are going to celebrate 25 years of marriage this year.

Right now we're thankfully all healthy and looking forward to the NHL playoffs. LET'S GO RANGERS!!

School Story:

Anybody ever find out who shot the friggin' deer?