Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 6
     Profile contains photos: 3
     In Memory: 4
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 4
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Danny Adams
Becky Baldridge (Arthur)
Jane Blacklock
Gail Bradshaw (Parnell)
Belinda Caldwell
Donna Cogbill (Dilday)
Nancy Davenport (Huddleston)
Ramona Davis (Chicane)   
Karen Derfler (Carter)
Kent Ferguson
Jonna Green (West)
Vickie Hahn (Wyeth)
Rochelle Hart (Smith)
Mike Hodshire   
Dane Holland   
Freda Ivy
Charles (David) Jackson
Marty Kyle
Garry Lemons   
Carol Long (Walsh)
Cindy McElroy (Summerville)   
Carolyn Middlebrooks (Wright)    
Gerald Miller   
Melody Mitchell (St. John)
Randy Mooney
Kimberly Morse (McIntosh)  
Martin Northern
Wayne Parker
Greg Petty
Lily Poyser (Stiener)
Laurie Rich (Lee)
Robert Rubow
Bruce Thomas
Sherry Tillery (Truitt)
Alan Townsend
Alice Tudor (Glover)    
Mickey Vaughan (Cullum)   
Randy Ward
Cindy White
Dale White
Karen White
Mark White
Kent Wright

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