Misc Pictures


Please let us know if you have pictures of classmates, mini get togethers with classmates, etc.  We will be happy to share them!



Submitted by Chuck Arnold


Submitted by Chuck Arnold, thanks Chuck!


Pic's from Maureen Topping from our 2009 Venice, Florida get together.  Thanks Maureen!

                                         Donna Secord Doran

                                       Joe Maslach                                Maureen Topping

 Bonnie Wardell's 16th Birthday party in the basement of the Colonial Restaurant


The next 3 pictures were submitted by

Sue Thompson Reddy..............thanks, Sue!

Tom Grivna, Walter Elgin, Sue Thompson

                                   Class from Fairwood Elementary, Do you see yourself?

                  Neil Reddy & Maureen Topping, Karen Clark &   John Southam