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12/05/16 01:11 PM #250    


Jon Bittinger

All... Do you think Nobu is Snowboarding today. Saw where the Big Island is getting record snowfalls... that also must be due to Global Warming... Cue up "White Christmas"...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016 (is that correct, 2016..?)




12/08/16 02:47 AM #251    


John Nobu Naylor (Akagi)

Mele Kalikimaka me ka hauoli makahiki hou. (Merry Christmas and happy new year!)

Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain in the world measured from the ocean floor. 

Go Bucks!


12/09/16 05:23 PM #252    


Jon Bittinger



I have a great appreciation for those of snowboarding skills...

As a near lifelong skier...I attempted to snowboard with my brother's son...back in 2001.

Sat back in an icy compression...boom-bang-tear...total shoulder separation. So, old dog new trick...not so much.

Am sticking with my two sticks...marked Left and Right...

Must have been fun up there...next time put a kicker on your jump...


Happy New a Year 2017

12/11/16 06:05 PM #253    


John Nobu Naylor (Akagi)

Hey Scott, I posted the photo as an example of snow boarding on Mauna Kea but that dude showing off the half pipe trickeration is not me...not even if I consumed a whole bottle of Geritol.wink

12/12/16 06:38 PM #254    


Jon Bittinger


Dude, I'm shattered...that's not YOU..?

Living in Atlanta...it's difficult to find decent skiing conditions, yes, ice abounds at times...but that's not a great choice for a 63- year old guy.

Last trip I took...North Carolina...the semi-snow (man made stuff) was good BUT that brought out half the populations of NC, SC, TN and GA...very crowded, dangerous...

Seeing friends in Switzerland the year before in January, was nice...as temps were 75 Degrees F...in Luzern...we tried skiing one day...my girls immediately falling getting off the gondola...Ohio icy conditions even at 12,000 FASL...despite my experience, skiing carefully, caught my trademark downhill edge and "flew over the handlebars"- glad we rented helmets. So we stayed in town, played tennis...ate fondue...came home tanned. Nuts.

We did Maui 2 years ago...drove every square foot of it...diverse landscape...very cool. Big Island someday hopefully.

Happy New Year and Best of Health to you.



12/25/16 04:44 AM #255    


John Nobu Naylor (Akagi)

Mahalo for your well wishes Scott.  Got a chuckle abount your family coming home from Luzern with a tan. The other Hawaiian islands are all beautiful and each have their unique qualities, but I'm very partial to the Big Island. Bigger than all the other islands combined with 12 of the world's 13 clamatic regions. Kinda rural here so not so harried pace of life, more Aloha spirit.  If you make it here, we gotta get together and talk story over a few adult beverages. Happy holidays everyone. Stay warm. Peg, this video is specifically for you! Part of your research befo you come ova. :)

12/25/16 06:16 PM #256    


Jon Bittinger

Merry Christmas All

With 72 degrees in Atlanta area...no snow...and virtually no neighbors. Interesting change.

Hope the majority of you have great weather...plenty of family surrounding you...and good health going into and through 2017.

12/31/16 12:31 AM #257    


John Nobu Naylor (Akagi)



12/31/16 07:08 AM #258    


John Farner

I agree with Mr. Costner 100%.  Roman Burgers are the best!  Too bad we can't get them in Florida.

01/08/17 10:41 AM #259    


Arthur Rohlik

Happy New Year, classmates and families. Enter each day prepared to be healthy and happy and creative. Strum your guitar, pluck or bow your basses and your volins, breathe life into your brass and woodwinds, strike well your percussion. Bring laughter to someone in need, and to everyone else for goodness sake. Sing with gusto, dance with abandon and enjoy the efforts of those who do so, too.

[ Here is advice meant for myself, especially ] Listen well, twice as much as you speak, for we have Two Ears and One Mouth.



01/20/17 12:06 PM #260    


Arthur Rohlik

PROFILE UPDATE AS REQUESTED: I have -so far- survived the new president's administration. whew.

01/22/17 06:50 AM #261    


John Farner

Happy New Year, Doc!  Remember when Sergeant Pepper's came out and When I'm 64 sounded like it was so far off?  For most of us, this is the Year, so Happy Birthday to us all!

01/22/17 01:12 PM #262    


Arthur Rohlik

Yikes. When I am 64 I hope to:

Still be Pickin' and Grinnin', able to eat BBQ, drink coffee, enjoy popcorn, sing out loud without terrifying the cat, drive without terrifying the bride, walk around town without terrifying small children, remain able to dance ( whups! never could dance ), still be able to walk away from television ( lord, do not make me want to watch THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE everrrrr ) willing to vote at every opportunity, enjoy wine, have extended conversations that do not include a recitation of health concerns, eat meals without cataloguing the nutritional values aloud, and to be strong against the onslaught of marketing. There is bound to be more of this list but I'll save it for conversations with willing participants. Doc  

01/31/17 04:55 AM #263    


John Nobu Naylor (Akagi)

Heesh, "When I'm 64" does indeed sound like a long time ago. It's all relative. Shortly after HS, I remember having breakfast at Hopitality Inn after enjoying the night life downtown. We, as in the usual of partners in crime. Couple of grown men took offense at our Woodstock appearance and instigated a "conflict in dynamics" right there in the restaurant. To make a long story short, we avoided a physical confrontation and thus escaped injury, but I remember recounting this story to a few others about these old redneck types picking a fight...remember saying, "They were old dudes, must have been around 30!"  And a few years ago, Cleveland was in the national news regarding 3 kidnapped women who were kept locked up in the basement for a duration up to a year of degradation. This caught the attention of one of my high school classes as we sometimes discussed current events. "Mr. Akagi, aren't you from Cleveland, and weren't you a police officer before? So give us the inside scoop, did that guy have sex with those women?" I stated I only knew what was reported in the news which indicated that one of the young women actually had a baby during captivity. "Yuck, and how old is that guy?" "I believe they said he was 50", I said, simply regurgitating the news. Several girls expressed genuine revulsion at the notion, "Yeew, GROSS! Sex with an old man!"  That kind of made me feel bad :-(

02/01/17 05:08 AM #264    


John Farner

It's all relative.  When she's 80, she will be happy to be with a 50 year old tenderoni!

02/05/17 11:10 PM #265    


Jennifer Runyon

Amen John!

02/12/17 11:15 AM #266    


Arthur Rohlik

The new year will see the arrival of the Exotic Cars Exhibit at the LeMay Automobile Museum in Tacoma, WA, 05 May. When you get your travel plans made, ( you can't resist, can you? ) send me an email and we'll try to co-ordinate a meet-up. It is quite a fine showplace. As nifty as the CRAWFORD in Cleveland? It has been a long while since I have been there, but I think that they are of the same calibre. Have a gander, make your travel plans and we'll see what happens.                          https://www.americascarmuseum.org/ 


02/19/17 12:13 PM #267    


Jennifer Runyon

Happy Birthday to all February folks.  I pray you have great success in the coming years filled with lots of love and peace.


04/28/17 01:58 AM #268    


John Nobu Naylor (Akagi)

Shorty after high school, Ed and I decided to go camping in Algonquin Provincial Park north of Toronto. It was truly wilderness camping and since neither one of us knew what the heck we were doing, we didn't take any safety precations like hiding our food, didn't wash greasy pans, etc.Well, you got it, the bears came around at night ransacking our camp site in search of food and actually came up to the tent sniffing and pawing around. My face was literally inches away from the snout of a wild breathing/grunting powerful beast with only a thin fabric separating us. There have been many bearing mauling accounts and Algonquin has had their share of fatalities. This Netflix movie just kicked my ass down memory lane and I relived this harrowing experience all over again. It truly exposed how potentially dangerous our experience was. It is well worth the watch.

12/15/17 04:23 AM #269    


John Nobu Naylor (Akagi)

Mele Kalikimaka/Happy Holidays everyone!

12/16/17 01:30 AM #270    


James Kelly

Wishing all that are able to read this a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those that celebrate differntly.  May all have peace and prosperity in the coming year and good health.


My wife Neysa and I taken about 2007/  

12/24/17 03:13 PM #271    


Juliana Savino

Happy everything (Hanukkah, Solstice, Christmas, Kwanza, New Year, etc.) to everybody!
Nobu, it's good to see you hanging out with "pot"heads!

05/03/18 09:42 PM #272    


Juliana Savino

I am so sad to note the passing of Pam Stedfeld who I remember as radiant and kind. I only heard recently.
Here is the obituary:


02/16/20 10:38 AM #273    


Jennifer Runyon

Happy birthday Gale.  I hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by lots of family and friends.  God bless.  Jennifer

12/14/20 11:43 PM #274    


Juliana Savino

So, here comes 2021. I was looking forward to a 50th reunion. Hard to see that happening irl, alas.

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