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In Memory

Nancy Hopkins (Boldin)

Nancy Hopkins (Boldin)

Nancy was born on August 17, 1953 In Ohio. She passed away on May 23, 1990.At the time of her passing she was only 36 years old. She was married and was an elementary school teacher.

If you have any information, memories, or thoughts to share, please post a comment.

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07/08/11 09:59 PM #1    

Carol Irwin (Elfring)

I have so many wonderful memories of Nancy from Roehm and throughout high school.  She the first friend I made at Roehm that I had not gone to Lechner with.  She was such a kind and gentle person. 

06/22/13 04:11 AM #2    

Karen Konery (Lowry)

Nancy was such a "bubbly" girl!  Always had a smile on her face!  Always enjoyed her company!


07/11/13 06:07 PM #3    

Ellen Bowen (Albano)

The last time I saw Nancy, we were in 6th grade at Loomis Elementary. Her kindness is what I remember most about Nancy. Even as an 11-year-old, she was very aware of others’ feelings, and was inclusive of kids outside of her immediate circle of friends. She was gentle and femininine, but had a feisty streak, too. If I’m remembering correctly, her "don’t tread on me" side was the result of growing up with two older brothers. I was so sorry to hear of her passing. I know that such a sweet soul as Nancy must be greatly missed by her family and friends.

08/01/22 12:16 AM #4    

Kim C Gossett

Though I was in the Class of 69, I knew Nancy and what an innocent JOY she brought to many. I still had contact with Nancy even after her graduation. I was deeply saddened to hear of her passing, so young. She will be remembered by those that knew her infectious SMILE.

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