50 Year Reunion

Event Details

From:  Alfred Terry
Email:  Alfredterry@bellsouth.net


Due to the national health crisis of COVID-19 and the residual effects that may follow, it is with deep regret that the Reunion Committee has decided to cancel our 50th Class Reunion. We have decided it is in the best interest of all of us to delay a celebration until a future date.

The 65 people who had already sent money and who had planned to attend this milestone event should have already received a letter and their money back by now.

On behalf of the committee we would like to apologize for the cancellation, especially to those who may have made travel and accommodation plans. Unfortunately, these were circumstances beyond our control.

We intend to try to plan something in 2021 if the pandemic has ended.  We hope that you will consider attending our future celebration.  May God continue to bless you all until we meet again.

Class of 1970 Reunion Committee

Alfred Terry, President

Cassandra Palmer, Corresponding Secretary

Sylvia Middleton, Treasurer