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08/19/24 08:32 PM #3591    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Happy Birthday Larry Troxel!!!!

08/19/24 08:38 PM #3592    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

For those of you who went to Bent School I'm showing two pictures.  The first is how it looked when you went minus the playground.

This is how it looks today, the terrace that ran across the front is gone!


08/20/24 09:02 PM #3593    


Janice Scott (Vitton)

Hi Classmates,
The dedication of the bench, donated by the Class of 1962, will be Friday, September 13 at 6 p.m. Please meet by the front door of the high-school. The plaque is at the high-school ready to be installed.
Afterwards you are invited to the Bloomington Country Club for a social hour, hors d' oeuvres and soft drinks, compliments of a classmate. You can either go to the club right after the dedication or go to the Homecoming football game which starts at 7 p.m. and then go to the club.
Everyone is invited and welcome at one or both events.
RSVP for the social hour by September 1st to Barbara Kincaid Menken. Email: or text 309-830-2414.
Hope to see you soon. The Bench Committee
Go Raiders. 9-59 to 5-62. 🤗

08/21/24 03:07 PM #3594    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

I received a note from Betty Barthel Harmon that Judi Pointer Jenkins husband Joe,  passed away the end of July.  There is going to be a Memorial Service the middle of September in Bloomington.  Our condolences to Judy and her family.

08/26/24 09:09 AM #3595    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Remember September 13th is the evening for the Dedication of the Bench.  We have been invited to BCC by a Classmate for a get together afterwards.  You can go directly from the Dedication so casual clothing is okay.  I want everyone to know, if you did or did not contribute towards the bench, it makes no difference.  This is an opportunity for us to get together and have a fun time.  Please come and join us, we're a fun group!  Janice put my information on a prior post, hope to see you.

08/26/24 08:29 PM #3596    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Happy Birthday Ira Keown!!!!

08/27/24 08:33 PM #3597    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Happy Birthday Karol Lowery Bowser!!!!

08/28/24 03:57 PM #3598    


Karol Lowery (Bowser)

Thank you Barb.  Blessed to reach that 80 button.  Heading forward to 90.  

08/31/24 09:27 AM #3599    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Just a reminder, you have until Sept. 1st to let us know if you'll be attending the get together at BCC after the Bench Dedication.   We're hoping to have a good turnout so you can e-mail me at, text me at 309-830-2414 or call me 309-663-1996. If you have any questions don't hesitate to get a hold of me, I'll try to answer them.

08/31/24 11:48 AM #3600    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

I ran across this this morning and I remember all of them, guess I'm older than dirt!

09/01/24 09:12 PM #3601    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Everyone have a safe Labor Day!

09/02/24 06:11 AM #3602    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Happy Birthday Carroll Funk McCormick!!!!

09/08/24 01:27 PM #3603    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

A couple pictures of downtown Bloomington.  Looking East on Washington Street, probably  from somewhere in State Farm's building.

Montgomery Wards building at the corner of Center and Front.

09/08/24 08:18 PM #3604    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Breakfast Wednesday September 11th  at Shannon's at nine o'clock, hope to see you there!

09/09/24 07:30 PM #3605    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Don't forget, this Friday, September 13th at six o'clock will be the Dedication for the Bench at B.H.S.  After the Dedication if you want to go to the Homecoming Game your welcome to or  to those who responded, you've  been invited across the street to BCC for hors d'oeuvres and soft drinks.  Really looking forward to this so we'll see you Friday night.

09/09/24 07:31 PM #3606    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Happy Birthdsy Sue Foley Noe!!!!

09/11/24 06:12 AM #3607    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)


Words of wisdom for the day!

i asked a friend who has crossed 70 & is heading towards 80 what sort of changes he is feeling in himself? He sent me the following:
1. After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children and my friends, I have now started loving myself.
2. I have realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders.
3. I have stopped bargaining with vegetable & fruit vendors. A few pennies more is not going to break me, but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees.
4. I leave my waitress a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to her face. She is toiling much harder for a living than I am.
5. I stopped telling the elderly that they've already told that story many times. The story makes them walk down memory lane & relive their past.
6. I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection.
7. I give compliments freely & generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient, but also for me. And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say "Thank You.”
8. I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. Personality speaks louder than appearances.
9. I walk away from people who don't value me. They might not know my worth, but I do.
10. I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race.
11. I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human.
12. I have learned that it's better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships, I will never be alone.
13. I have learned to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.
14. I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be!
Why do we have to wait to be 60 or 70 or 80, why can't we practice this at any stage and age?"


09/12/24 10:51 AM #3608    


Phil Hershey (Hershey)

Words from a very wise person.

09/12/24 06:19 PM #3609    


Karol Lowery (Bowser)

Words of wisdom for sure.

My grandpa would say old to soon smart to late.  At the age of 100 I asked him what was the s biggest change he saw in his life.   He said people.😳


09/14/24 07:56 AM #3610    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Last night we had the Bench Dedication at BHS and a good turn out for it.  Needless to say, when Patti Perry Daubs got ready to give her talk the BHS Marching Band decided to have a warm up, the brass section on one side of us and the drums on the other.  We all kind of huddled together to hear but the point was made and the bench looks wonderful, it's something we should all be proud of.  We then went to BCC for a buffet and the food was outstanding as well as the Company, all in all a fun evening.  A lot of pictures were taken so when I get them together I'll post them on the website.

09/14/24 06:56 PM #3611    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Here are the pictures I promised:

This is where it all started!


This is what it was all about!

This a photo of some of the attendees, Steve Price along with his Dad, Ron and his Mom, Sandie Skidmore Price who is talking to Judy Cowart King snd Geoge King, next is Jeanne Olson, who is talking to Connie  Bush Bandeko and Darrell Olson, over Darrell's shoulder  is Gay Scott, Jeff Scott's wife,his sister Janenne Scott, and our own, Janice Scott Vitton.  I would like to say Janenne Scott did a lot of running for this venture, picking the plaque up and then going to the High School and taking pictures.  We thank you!


This group from left to right is Connie Bush Bandeko, Patti Perry Daubs, Mike Stockum, Mary Lou Dollins Farnsworth back, John Schwulst, Bob Rush, Susan Schwulst, Ron Price and  Sandie  Skidmore Price.

Jerry Vitton snd Byron Tucci.


Janice Scott Vitton, Patti Perry Daubs, me (I always take a horrible picture) and Byron Tucci in back.

A group picture, Darell Olson, Connie Bush Bandeko, me, Bob Rush, Mike Stockum, Mary Lou Dollins  Farnsworth. Judy Cowart King, George King, Patti Perry Daubs, Byron Tucci, Janet Scott Vitton, Jerry Vitton, Sandie Skidmore Price, Ron Price and my husband, Lee Menken.

Judy Cowart King and George King talking to Gay snd Jeff Scott.  Jeff was instrumental in getting the plaque attached to the bench because, after all, the High School is in his back yard!

09/14/24 07:14 PM #3612    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Here are pictures from Bloomington Counrty Club which did an outstanding job.

Gay and Jeff Scott and Janice Scott Vitton.

Here we included Jerry Vitton and Patti Perry Daub's.


My husband, Lee Menken and Annette Rushs' back and Bob Rush.


Jeanne Olsons' back, Darrell Olson, Connie Bush Bandeko,  Steve Price and Ron Price.

Jeanne  Olsons back again, Steve Price, Ron Price, Sandie Skidmore Price, Byron Tucci and Patti Perry Daubs.



Mary Lou Dollins Farnsworth back, Patti Perry Daubs, Jeanne and Darrell Olson and Connie Bush Bandeko.

George and Judy King and Mike Stockum.

John and Susan Schwulst and George King.


09/16/24 06:00 AM #3613    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Happy Birthday Masahide Matsuoka!!!!

09/16/24 07:44 PM #3614    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Guess what, I found a few more pictures of Friday night.

Mike Stockum, Mary Lou Dollins Farnsworth and Sandie Skidmore Price deep in conversation.

Patti Perry Daubs, Mike Stockum, Byron Tucci, Jerry Vitton talking with my husband, John and Susan Schwulst and Bob Rush and I are solving the Worlds problems.




Jeff Scott,  Byron Tucci, Ron Price and Jerry Vitton.


And finally, when Janice Scott Vitton realizes her idea has come to fruition!






09/16/24 08:47 PM #3615    


Barbara Kincaid (Menken)

Happy Birthday Sheryl Hulva Punke!!!!

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