In Memory

Jim Steele III

Jim Steele III

Following a long battle with cancer, Jim Steele passed away peacefully earlier in the morning of July 3, 2016. He is survived by his wife, Shirley. There will be a quiet family service only. Jim was known for his gymnastic feats on the rings, especially for his iron cross. A favorite passtime for Jim was telling stories of his high school classmates and friends who he sang with in the Portland Opera--he had a powerful and beautiful voice. He also had an amazing memory when it came to his classmates, remembering names and details of funny events--he cherished his classmates. Please keep Shirley in your toughts and prayers.

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07/05/16 02:26 PM #1    

Marylou Waterman


I did not know Jim in high school other than by name, as a result of Jim's outstanding gymnastic abilities when our gymnastic team went on to win the state competition. I became acquainted with both Jim and Shirley here in the Portland area when Jim called and asked if we could get together for coffee. I had the opportunity to see Jim perform in the Portland Opera, as a result of our friendship, and learned of Jim's many talents. Jim admitted to being a rather shy person in high school. I found him to be a wonderful person...kind, gentle, talented and a humble person with a great sense of humor and an outstanding memory regarding happenings in high school. He exhibited great fondness for all people he was acquainted with during his high school years. 

Jim was a special person, and fond memories of Jim and Shirley will remain with me. Following Jim's cancer diagnosis, doctors told Jim he had only about a year to live. Apparently that was not acceptable to Jim, as Jim loved life and loved Shirley, so Jim worked on "doing everything right" and proceeded to prove the doctors wrong, adding an extra 10 years to his life!

Shirley supported both Jim and Jim's parents with end of life issues for the last 20 years or so. My thoughts and prayers are with Shirley who was truely a "saint!" May Jim rest in peace.                                                    


07/06/16 12:33 PM #2    

Randy Carruthers

Mace, thank you for your special memorial posting for Jim. You and Marylou did a wonderful job relating the special essence that was Jim Steele.

For a couple of months now I had been dreading the thought of receiving that phone call from Shirley announcing the passing of our special friend and classmate.  When I saw Shirley's name on the phone my heart fell for I immediately knew why she was calling. She called to let me and others know that Jim was now 100% healed and living happily with our Lord and Savior. As many knew, Jim and Shirley have always loved the Lord.  Their belief played a major role in how they lived their lives. And it was this belief (and a lot of prayer from family and friends) that enabled Jim to live far beyond the time his doctors gave him. Marylou was right in saying that Shirley is a Saint. She has an amazing servants heart. Jim could never have asked for a better caregiver than his wife Shirley. She was constantly there to nurish him spirtitually and physically. A Saint indeed!

A couple of weeks ago I was able  to drive down to Portland to visit Jim and and Shirley for a few days. Jim was bed riden but alert and whitty. I took along with me a bunch of photos and news clippings from our old gymnastic days.  It was fun going through them as Jim remembered in detail everingthing we spoke of.  He also brought up a lot of stories I had long forgotten. 

I will always remember Jim for his passion in life, his love for the Lord, his love for Shirley and for the love and prayers he shared for family, friends and classmates.  

God has blessed you Jim Steele. 

07/06/16 03:46 PM #3    

Kathy Kaysner (Buck)

​To the family and loved ones of Jim, I didn't know Jim very well in highschool, just remebered him in gymnastics, what an outstanding athlete. I know through Dwight that his battle with cancer was brought to our attention and my heart goes out to you in all that Jim went through. He put up a courageous fight. He will be missed. Kathy Kaysner Buck.

07/06/16 05:18 PM #4    

Bobby Haynes

Jim was a very special person to many, a wonderful husband to Shirley and a very loving classmate. He will not be forgotten.


Why God Gave Us Friends

God knew that everybody needs companionship and cheer,

He knew that people need someone whose thoughts are alway near.

He knew they needed someone kind to lend a helping hand.

Someone to gladly take the time to care and understand.

That's why God gave us friends.

He knew we all need someone to share each happy day,

To be the source of courage when troubles come our way,

Someone to be true to us whether near or far apart.


Someone whose love we will always hold and treasure in our hearts.

The magnitude love achieves is measured by its strength of giving,

Perception of understanding, faith of purpose

Through the passage of time.


07/06/16 06:22 PM #5    

Judy Miller (Ho Ching)

I hardly knew Jim in high school but met him about 9 years ago when Dwight Funai asked if anyone in the Portland area wanted to visit because Jim had stage 4 cancer.  I was just heading to Portland when I got the email, so I called Jim and arranged to meet him.  I met him outside a Starbucks in King City and his first comment to me was, "I remember you, but I bet you don't remember me!"  He was right ... I only remembered him by name.  Then he reminded me of the assembly where he did the iron cross and I remembered that!  We had a wonderful visit and he brought yearbooks to share with me.  I talked to him a few times on the phone since then and he was so positive.  My condolences to his wife, Shirley, and all who knew him well.  

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