Coreen Cronin Gage

Profile Updated: July 25, 2008
Residing In: Middletown, MD USA
Spouse/Partner: Fred
Occupation: real estate sales and career enhancement with kw
Children: Douglas, born in 1989,
Garrett, born in 1992
Yes! Attending Reunion

Great job, Kay,with this 30 yr! I know you just got back from HI, and want to know all about it!

At the 25, Debbie (Bickers) helped me SO much by taking my children and I on a mini tour of Calvert Co, as I was a MD buyer at that point! It was tough, having a 5th and 8th grader buy in, and her "first impression" tour of her beautiful home was huge for us; will never forget it. Thanks Debbie! It was either Calvert or Frederick Co, ended in Frederick, and 4 houses from the high school. Doug now has a Md HS diploma! cool, and Garrett will have his in a few yrs.

Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
In Middletown, Md
