In Memory

Kevin Gomilla

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10/30/21 09:31 PM #1    

Julia Carroll (Alos)

Great to have caught up with him the week after our 40th Class Reunion with Patti Testa and Denise Foster.  He had just moved from Florida to live with his sister somewhere in the Shenandoah mountains.  Lots of crazy fun memories from high school for sure, you'll be missed by many!  Another one of our own leaving us way too soon.........

May you rest in peace Kevin! 

10/31/21 05:39 PM #2    

Donald Bono

Yeah . . . sad news . . . seems too young to die. I mean, he might be younger than me! For what I know, he would be among the last to go. I remember him most from Jr HS - Sam Ogle - "Gomilla Gorilla" as Pat Carrette would call 'im on occasion. KG was a good wrestler - I used to love those matches - exciting, spirited crowd - I think he won all the time - that whole team seemed to win all the time for that matter - why? Did Ogle happen to have the best rasslin' boys, or was Mr. Ed Hatch a coach head and shoulders above the rest?

Kind of lost track of him by HS - got into a different scene I suppose. What did he die of? I tried to look it up, but no info - maybe too recent. I did find his older brother Bret - also a winning wrestler back then - passed recently - you might say prematurely - perhaps some genetic phenomenon running in the family?

I'm not a believer in praying for (or to) (or at) the dead, purgatory and such nonsense, but I do know that this death is not the end of KG - so I hope he made it to a happy place - even one better than where we remain!



10/31/21 06:44 PM #3    

Julia Carroll (Alos)

So Kevin lived in Panama City for many years, was married 30 years, his wife passed in 2015 I think, she had cancer - they had 2 kids.  Don't know what happened to Kevin.  As I understand it Kenny Sellers was supposed to move in with him and suddenly Kevin passed.  Kevin's mother passed away earlier in October of this year and a week after her funeral - he passed away - very sad!  He, Bret and his older bro (died like 40 years ago while in Hawaii) just nuts.....indeed waaaay tooo young, like all our classmates that have passed.  RIP Kevin!

11/04/21 11:25 AM #4    

Donald Bono

Thanks for followin' that up Jule - interesting that Ken Sellers is in that picture - maybe the thought of KS moving in is what killed Kevin . . . heh heh (not to be mis-understood just joking - I always thought Sellers was a cool dude - even before I kind of joined the long-hair freaky crowd and was yet an aspiring studious and athletic boy - I remember in - must have been 9th grade - Sellers was part of a football game of all things that some of them "freakies" organized - amazing that they were able to "organize" anything, right? - the "Dope Smokers" vs. the "Acid Heads" heh heh)

11/12/21 06:48 PM #5    

Julia Carroll (Alos)

Kevin's Memorial Service is tomorrow 11/13/21 in Panama City, Florida - 

His family posted a wonderful tribute to his life in video below (I hope this site picks it up), and there's some fun pictures of the football team he was on, surely some will recognize faces - saw Eddie Panneton in one of them.

To you and too many other classmates' before you, we may have lost you, but you'll forever be remembered!  RIP dude, your ride was too short!

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