Lest We Forget

Edward Klobusicky

Edward Klobusicky

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05/12/21 10:00 AM #1    

Paul Chowansky

I have a very fond memory of Eddie and his dog in our teen years growing up in Raritan. My favorite place to fish was at the bridge in Raritan near the water works . We we would cross over to the Duke side to fish and many times I would see Eddie come down to the river to swim with his dog . The dog never needed a leash, it would always stay at Eddie's side. When he would swim, the dog would swim right there alongside him. During the Spring Thaw once, the river had overflowed its banks and flooded Duke's cornfield next to the river. Eddie brought his dog down and the dog ran out on the mat of floating corn stalks  to retrieve a stick. At one point the dog fell through into the icy water. With out any hesitstion, Eddie ran through the waste deep very cold water to save his dog . From that day on I hoped I would someday have a dog and as great a bond as Eddie did with his. I am proud to say I did have that chance . I brought home a stray, from a 22 story building we were building in Newark . Duchess ended up being that dog that would go everywhere with me and she most loved to go surf fishing . She would lay next to me on the beach and watch for my fishing pole to indicate there was a fish taking the bait . Then she would race down to the surfs edge and wait for the fish to be reeled in . She also loved to swim in the ocean but would have to be carried past the breaking waves . Eddie thank you for the memories and rest in peace ! 

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