Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 2
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 3
     Military Service: 1
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Chris Aldridge
Rebecca Baney (Morales)
Erica Bonds
Wanda Brown
Marcia Cole
Stephen Collier   
Lisa Cooper (Lacefield)
Felicia Crockett (Stone)
Felicia Floyd (Swanigan)
Byron Halliburton
Richard Havner
Marcus Holiday  
Ruthie Hudson
Vivian Hurst
John James
Rodney Langley
Monica Lowe (Crockran)
Corey Owens
Robert Perryman
Monica Reed   
Rhonda Reynolds
Jason Robinson
Candice Seward (Jones)
Kim Seward
Laura Stallings (Meacham)
Angelia Sullivan (Reinhart)
Artie Tucker
Sharrone Tyler (Cox)
Eldrick Vance
Lisa VanPelt    
Charlotte Wallace
Brenda Washington (Miller)
Jamison Williams  

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