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06/16/08 11:27 PM #81    

Kim Ray (Clark)

I think a football game sounds great!

06/16/08 11:48 PM #82    

Kurt Wise


I had a friend who attended summer school in BA and lived just inside of Bixby, probably 2 miles from my house.

Every month I would get yelled at for $30-40 worth of calls that were almost across the street.

Ironicly, the day I moved out of my parents house I found something that belonged to my friend in Bixby as I was packing. The first time I tried to call his house the call didn't go through, when I tried the number without a "1" it went through. So once I moved and it was no longer an issue, Bixby became a local call.

I also had a very expensive crush on a certain redhead with the same name as a Rolling Stones song, she lived in Coweta.

06/17/08 01:01 AM #83    

Becky Herrington

Just to let you know, I teach in Jenks and if you are looking for a great education for your children, it is a great district. However, it is growing so quickly that the class sizes are rather large. Bixby is still smaller, but a great district, as well.

I remember breaking down in Coweta and having to call my parents collect.

06/17/08 10:22 AM #84    

Doug Broadbooks

I dated a girl that lived just past Midway Road off of Highway 51. Greg would spend hours on the phone with his girlfriend and I would get something like 10 minutes every few evenings. Of course, I would call her after school, before my folks got home, and talk for a while, not realizing that the phone bill was itemized. Boy, when my mom saw a few hour long phone calls to Coweta, I was in trouble. Of course, about the time we broke up is when they changed and made it a local call.

06/17/08 03:51 PM #85    

Kim Ray (Clark)

It was long distance for me to call across the street! We lived off of 111th and Oneta and BA phone lines came as close as the houses that faced us across the street! I guess if it were still long distance to these areas around BA, the kids now a days wouldn't have a problem with it b/c they all have cell phones!

06/17/08 04:13 PM #86    

Gary Ogg


I know you are a Jenks Teacher,but cummon Union schools are just as good or better LOL>


06/17/08 05:39 PM #87    

Becky Herrington

I should have said we are better when we aren't busy recruiting. Just kidding... We will see what happens this year:) With schools the size of BA, why don't we have a better athletic program?

06/17/08 10:22 PM #88    

Gary Ogg


I get asked that question all the time from Union parents. I really don't know why BA has trouble competeing in football ,they hold their own in baseball, basketball and wrestling, but in this state you are judged by your footballs program success. It is pretty sad that the last time BA beat Union in football was 1987.

What was that class we had together in 10th grade that we had so much fun in? I'm showing how old I am getting by not remembering. We had more than one together,but I remamber Hefley being in their with us. We drove that lady crazy. LOL

06/18/08 12:36 AM #89    

Becky Herrington

Was it Science? All I can remember is I thought she reminded me of Miss Piggy. I think that was the class. Who knows? I'm the same age as you...

06/19/08 11:25 AM #90    

Greg Broadbooks

Becky, that would be Mrs. Legler, I think. I always thought that too. LOL!

06/19/08 05:30 PM #91    

Gary Ogg

Becky and Greg,

Yes Leglers class was one of them that we got a little crazy in, But the one I'm thinking of was Mrs. Smiths Mytholgy class it was half 10th and half 9th in there.

We did nothing in there 3 days a week on thursdays we would review the nothing and have a test on Fridays that was a basically a joke.

That Class was a freakin Zoo. Ahhh Good Times!!!!

06/21/08 04:42 AM #92    

Becky Herrington

Gary and Greg-
Oh my, you are right. Unfortunately, I love mythology. No thanks to her. However, I remember Miss Piggy as well. I so wish I could remember my science partner that squashed the frog guts in the Science book. Those were the days.

06/21/08 01:48 PM #93    

Brian Beck

Is it me or is usage on this new site down?I personally liked the old one better! Just a thought!

06/21/08 09:55 PM #94    

Kurt Wise

The old site was unique to BA87, the new one is just a clone of the other alumni sites on "class creator", that said it it probably more manageable than the old site.

06/25/08 10:37 AM #95    

Kurt Wise

Not that I am going to be in town any time soon, but I think it would be cool to do a get together at Timber Lanes. I suck at bowling, but that place holds a special place in my heart. There is also a park across Elm street that is great for BBQing!!

06/25/08 11:07 PM #96    

Renee Simmons (Weygandt)

Hey all!
This might be long shot, but here it goes....

Tall Chick Productions is currently shooting a short thriller called, "The Long Dark Way". This is an award winning screenplay.

Production is about 90% complete but they are still looking for a key location and I am hoping some of you might be able to help.

They are in need of a small dress shop or really any kind of shop that an older lady might own. They would like for it to be in the BA/ Tulsa area.

If you have any suggestions, please send me the contact info so that I can forward it to the Location Scout.


07/03/08 05:24 PM #97    


Mike Iles

Just so you know, it isn't called Timber Lanes anymore.

It is now called Broken Arrow Lanes.

07/14/08 06:03 PM #98    

Kurt Wise

When did Angie Sherman pass? What was the cause?

07/14/08 11:30 PM #99    

Amy Witte (Bozarth)

Angie died in a car accident in 1999, I know this because she died the same day my dad died of cancer, their obituraries were right next to each other in the B.A. ledger.


07/19/08 12:08 PM #100    

Todd Elgie

Post messages in the "!New Message Board!" on the left over there....

07/27/08 11:53 PM #101    

Jenny Head (Young)

ok I know this is off the topic but I have a favor to ask all of you. I have been selling Mary Kay for 5 years but I have just decided to go for my first free/earned car (since mine is falling apart). My director, Renee Vassar McCormick, has challenged me to get at least 5 people to a makeover this Saturday. I don't know many people in BA any longer so this definitely may be a challenge. Would any of you or your wives/girlfriends be available to be pampered this Saturday at 10:30 am for a free makeover, and of course a little mini reunion if so. It is in BA and I will get you the address. Please email me at if you or someone you know can come. Thanks so much!!!
Jenny (Head) Young

03/03/09 07:46 PM #102    

Trina Ishmael (Rowland)

HEY! I want to contact someone from class of 88 and cannot because their info is locked. Please help me! I tried to email their web master to get my name added but to no avail. If anyone could please help me let me know.

03/14/09 11:25 PM #103    

Kirk Wright

im thinking about trying to come back to this fair burg we call broken arrow, but im having a hard time imagining my lady-friend of 8 years somehow having a severe enough lapse of reason to consider coming with me from mpls/st.paul. ive brought one back once before, but she only lasted about ten months. oh, by the way, thank you jen shimp and any & all else for making this site possible. this corespondance may in fact be my first official sign of aging since ignoring all new music, back in 1998. thank the good lord for rock and roll.

03/15/09 01:07 AM #104    

Kirk Wright

also ...i have contact info for clint mitchell, matt delany, and mike swan (class of 88) if any one is interested. i will try to get them to sign on to the site. in the case of looking for class of 88 students i would suggest finding any other 88 grads you might know to help you get access to their site by using their requisite info... good luck. luv jeffrey may contact me at (612) 229 4015. later... p.s. or p.p.s. has any one heard from susie stauss?

08/05/09 03:50 PM #105    

Kurt Wise

what is wrong with the photo uploader?

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