Misty Baltzell Scott

Profile Updated: April 7, 2008
Residing In: Broken Arrow, OK
Spouse/Partner: Donald Scott - Class of 1987
Occupation: Full time mom and part-time preschool teacher
Children: BreAnn
Yes! Attending Reunion

I met Donald in Sept. of 88 and fell head over heals for him. Funny I never ever met him at all in school. We had several friends whom we both hung out with yet our paths never crossed. I tease him that the military had to shape him up first. We dated for two years got engaged and he was called away to Desert Storm for 6 months. The worst time of our lives. He came home in May of 91 and married me in June of 91, I planned a wedding while he was at war. We have lived in B.A. the whole time I worked as a Bank teller then became a teller supervisor, I did this for 7 years. Finally talked him into a baby an we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Then I cried on the way to work everyday for the next six months and I became a domestic goddess and a mom full time. Then God blessed us yet agian with our amazing son Cale. I love being a mom and would not trade it for any job ever. They are growing so fast I can't keep up sometimes. They are very active sports. They love school and we are very active in our church. Donald spoils me daily and has now for the past 20 years (married 17 of the 20 this June) I can hardly believe we have been together so long it seems like it was yersterday just like school. (are we all really this old?)We are just living life loving God and eachother here in Broken Arrow.

School Story:

My school stories are so many mostly they have to do with band. We got into alot of fun stuff and I don't think the football guys or cheerleaders know just how much the band partied. You know Heather threw some wild parties out there in the boonies in south B.A. and who could forget the party at my house our junior year after O.B.A. you know when the police came and told my parents no one could leave and if they did they would arrest my parents for all the under age drinking. Thank goodness no one did. It was one huge coed slumber party. Oh the things you do when you are young. I remeber the band camp out and some of you did some breaking and entering that you shouldn't have. Who had the keys? Oh and yes there was junior year colorguard initiation dressed in black with I don't know how many raw eggs in my hair. Going to the mall and being scared to death in the woods back behind some school over of of 121st and elm, no sleep except on the floor of Joel's house for about and hour or so then of to early August band practice. My senior year Robin Bolding and I would for some stupid reason talk to each other in a strange accent then one day we got the giggles so hard because on the way to sixth hour I discovered I had a bounce fabric softner hanging from the pant legg of my jeans. We loved Mr. Nortons science class he would always let us talk as long as we tried to act like we where listening to him too. I remember band trips and waiting for the paper to come out to guess the qoutes. I don't know whose idea that band paper was but it was a good one. I remember running laps on the practice field with hot rollers in my hair and it still went flat before I got all the way through first hour. Oh the butaine curling irons. I hated having my white gloves taped too tight I would freek out when I couldn't get them untaped by myself. I still don't like thing that are too tight. And yes Tina Emerson HATED band!! I think over all I loved all my friends and had a great school experience, I get to see alot of people from school most of them at church. So live is good. Oh Rachelle remember the old brown car I was so jealous since I never got a car of my own until after school. Candance C. and me driving and putting on our make-up in her little yellow car. We would take turns when it was mascara time she would work the gas and break and I would steer the car. How we got to school alive I have no idea.