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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

If you're a PS 157 Grove Hill - Bronx NY School Alumni or Teacher - Click on "Classmate Profiles" or "Teacher Profiles" link to register on the site. Create your profile and please don't forget to add some recent photos of yourself, your family, children, grand children.  It's FREE to join, totally secure & password protected! Tell other classmates you know to join our site as well.

We've had 1,732 site visits to date.



   Please help us by letting all classmates know of our website.  If a classmate does not have means to a computer they can either go to the local library and get a free email address from YAHOO or GOOGLE and log on or they can let YOU know of any updates and you can drop us a line and we would be happy to put the info in under their profile.


Please Make A Donation To Help With The Upkeep Of This Site.

We hope you enjoy the site and check back often for updates and reunion info!! 

PRIVACY NOTICE:  All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your contact information is private: your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile.  When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile.  Unless you explicitly grant your permission, your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page. Note, however, if you send a message to someone through their Profile page, the Classmate will see your email address so that they can respond.  You may choose to have your profile visible only to logged in classmates by checkmarking the Profile Visibility box.


This website was created to promote, celebrate and reconnect all the classmates of the PS 157 Grove Hill - Bronx NY School.  Your participation is essential for this website to be a success.


