GETCHA (Get Everyone To Come Home Again) Fund

Okay, here’s the deal – we want as many classmates to attend the reunion as possible, and we don’t want the cost getting in the way if we can help it.  We bet there are other people that feel that way too…and we suspect there might be some folks that just can’t swing the full cost of travel, housing, events, etc.  So here’s how we see this working:

If you are feeling moved to contribute to the GETCHA fund – let us know!  Contact either Becky (Rogers) Henderson or Dain Kistner and let us know how much you can commit to.  We will keep your donation in strict confidence.  No amount is too small…or too large, for that matter! J  We’re looking for firm commitments (“I can contribute $X to the GETCHA fund”) NO LATER THAN AUGUST 1st

If some financial aid would make the difference between you attending and not attending – let us know!  Contact either Becky or Dain and let one of us know that you would like some help.  If you know how much you would need to push things over the edge from “I just can’t afford it…” to “I can make it!”, then let us know that, too – you’ll see why in a moment.  That number can be anything up to the total cost of attending the reunion (while we would love to see you all, there aren’t any of you we’re SO excited to see that we’re willing to pay *you* to attend :P) – you’re on the honor system here.  Again, this will be strictly between you and us.  We’ll need requests in by NO LATER THAN AUGUST 1st.

Once we have all the commitments and requests, Becky and Dain will divide up the total amount committed by the number of requests, and let each applicant know how much we will be able to offer to support them.  This is straight math – no ‘need-based’ formulas or judgments about who is spending more out of pocket; e.g., if we get $1,000 in support commitments and 4 requests for support, we’ll let each applicant know that we can cover $250 in expenses for them.  The only exception to this would be anyone whose total cost estimate is less than the average arrived at above; e.g., if one of those four applicants needed only $100 to put them over the edge, we’d fund that in full first, then split the remaining $900 three ways…assuming that all three of those needed at least that much.   Yes…there’s some recursion involved, but Dain and his trusty Excel sheets can handle the math. 

Once we let you know how much we have to offer, we’ll expect you to either commit to attending (in which case we’ll work out details of how to get you the cash) or let us know that while you appreciate the offer, it still isn’t going to make it possible (in which case we’ll add that amount into the class gift). 

For our generous contributors, we’ll expect checks (PLEASE make Becky’s life easier by clearly identifying it as a GETCHA Fund contribution!) by around mid-August so we can have funds on hand to help people fund travel costs ahead of time.  As noted above, any excess funds will be rolled into the Class Gift fund.

Dain Kistner                                                   Becky (Rogers) Henderson                      
215-938-8555 (home)