Kari Smith Cox

Profile Updated: September 19, 2009
Kari Smith
Residing In: Calgary, AB Canada
Spouse/Partner: David Cox
Occupation: Teacher
Children: 2 Children
Yes! Attending Reunion
In a nutshell, please describe your life since high school.

Married 20 years
2 University Degrees

If you attended the 25th reunion in Sept. 2008, did you have a good time? what memories do you have of it? Please tell any and all stories!

Wanted to attend the reunion but found out I had Breast cancer and underwent treatment.

What sticks in your mind as the most memorable event for you while attending Central?


Who was your favourite teacher and why?

Mr. Slaght- inspired me to follow my dreams

Mr. Cannon- Forcing all those push-ups and sit-ups when he couldn't do one!!!

Mr. Hobson- Inspiring and funny!

Who was your least favourite teacher and why?

Drama teacher was a hypocrite!

What is most memorable for you about the After Grad Party on Saturday night?

Hanging out in the trees!

How many times did you succeed in skipping despite the tight attendance policy?

Too many!

Did you play on any athletic teams? If yes, on what teams? If you weren't a jock, did you partake in any extracurricular activities or clubs? If so, what?

Everything but football

If there was a 30th reunion (gasp) in 2013, would you attend?

