Memories From CHS

Memories From CHS We Can All Relate To:

(If You Have Any Special Memories From High School, Please Send Them To Us!)

1.  Mr. Woolie's 5 Page Reports

2.    Hanging out on "The Steps"

3.    Coach Stone - "Front and Center" When You Got in Trouble

4.    Mrs. Starr and Mr. Douglas (Worst Kept Secret Ever)

5.    Mrs. Lyons and those lovely manual typewriters

6.    Coach Sanderson and that chewing gum

7.    The Canning Center murders

8.    Hanging Out behind the Home Ec Building

9.    Mr. Braden and his daily naps (oh, what an education we received!)

10.  Coach Lovett and the half-court free throws

11. Tripping over those cables that were strung all around the recess area

12.  "Mrs. Goodlegs"

13.  The class competitions at the pep rallies (we had some really loud mouths)

14.  Frank Ard, the janitor (he STILL works there)

15. Going 5-5 in football and thinking we were the greatest ever

16. Homecoming floats and stuffing ALL that tissue in the chicken wire

17. Charlie Roberson as Mickey Mouse on the homecoming float

18. Mr. Watson and all the terrific guidance and advice we got from THAT office

19. Coach Elmore thinking he was the body builder of the year

20. Sniffing the purple ink on your test papers (it really did always smell SO good)

21. Senior Skip Day (what a blast!)

22.  Locking Werner Aswell in the closet in art class

23.  Relocating Mr. Peterson's Honda Civic every chance we got

24.  Wondering if anybody could EVER get more awards than John Ford in any sport

25.  Always being afraid to go to the Farmerville football games, because SOMEBODY was going to get in a fight before it was over!

26.  The trains

27.  Coach Moncrief and those gray shorts

28.  Fighting for position at the concession stand, only to discover they were out of what you wanted by the time you got to them

29.  That awful school annual we made in 1983




