In Memory

Alan Smathers VIEW PROFILE

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04/03/10 07:11 PM #1    

Randy Mann

I knew Alan from football and got to know him better from
the tennis team. He was fun to be around and had a positive outlook.

04/11/10 08:36 PM #2    

Warren Smathers


Charlie Childers and I were laughing our heads off my last time home, reminiscing about our trip to Myrtle Beach after graduation. BTW, he forgives you for the whole filling the rear floorboards thing...

We miss you terribly. You were taken from us far too young.

06/17/10 07:15 PM #3    

Deanna McGaha (James)

Alan, I miss you lots.  Alan and I went to Gardner-Webb together and he was a hoot!  Kept everyone laughing and cutting up.  No one wanted him to leave and go to Western.  We had some good times together.  :o) 

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