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•   Kaydee Etzold (Chandler)  1/17
•   Amber Ellinghouse (Adams)  1/17
•   Rodney Poe  1/16
•   Alyssa Holyfield (Groeteke)  5/12
•   Rachel Wright (Sheets)  5/11
•   Danielle Twiggs  12/20
•   Shannon Fee  10/11
•   Diana Holley  4/4
•   Jennifer Dunning (Goodman)  10/16
•   Shaun Williams  10/13
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
3 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
4 live in Illinois
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Michigan
2 live in Mississippi
94 live in Missouri
2 live in Nebraska
1 lives in New York
3 live in North Carolina
1 lives in North Dakota
1 lives in Oklahoma
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in Tennessee
3 live in Texas
136 location unknown


•   Nicole Ferden  9/27
•   Amber Cox (Sides)  10/9
•   Denise Dunn (Pulley)  10/10


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 51.4%

A:   144   Joined
B:   136   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Support our site! It costs $130 to keep this site up and running.  Please donate what you can to help our class stay in touch! Click the Donate button below. Donations can be made by PayPal, or with a regular credit card if you do not have a PayPal account. Every little bit helps!

Welcome to the Central High School Class of 2001 website!


You will find all the information you ever wanted to know about our 20 year reunion right here!  And if you don't, just drop us a line and we'll try to include whatever is missing!

To make the most of this website you have to JOIN the website - it's FREE - see the JOIN HERE link ---> Just fill out some profile information, choose how much you want to share, and we'll send email updates through this website to you.


Here is the most recent announcement:

Hey Tigers! We hope everyone is doing well! Your class officers Lindsay Dement-Miller, Rachel (Wright) Sheets, Steev Staar and Sarah Muench have some exciting news for you: it's time for our Class of 2001 20-year Reunion! We've already begun planning for this milestone event, which will happen on September 18, 2021, at the Port Cape Girardeau River City Yacht Club - so be sure to mark your calendars. In the uncertain times of COVID-19, we'll be closely monitoring all health and safety gathering recommendations and move to backup plans if necessary. We'll be keeping you updated, so stay tuned. And in the meantime, spread the word, especially to anyone you know who is in our class but isn't currently in this group. Looking forward to seeing all of you! 


The reunion pictures are now uploaded to the class website.  Please note that the website will be closed down on August 8, and you will no longer have access to these pictures.  So if you want them you need to save them to your computer this week.  Thanks!  Reunion Pictures


Thanks everyone for coming to the reunion!  It was such a blast to catch up with you!  We will notify you when the pictures taken are available.  Here is the video that was shown at the reunion.

We're just 4 weeks away from our 10-year reunion, and our final count is due to the caterer.  This is your last chance to buy tickets to the reunion.  Please submit your ticket order no later than Wednesday, June 15. This is important: when you go to pay for your ticket, you MUST click on the "PayPal" button.  DO NOT just click the "Continue" button without clicking PayPal first. You can enter your credit card information through PayPal if you do not have a PayPal account. A few people have had difficulty with this and end up getting a message that they can send a check, but our system is not set up for checks.

Sarah Muench is working on a slideshow for the reunion.  If you have any pictures and/or videos from high school that you would be willing to share, please send them to her ASAP at  (She only has 4 weeks to receive photos, compile them, and produce the final product.  That's not much time so it's important that she receive the material as soon as you can possibly get it to her.) Thanks!

We will be using your photo from the yearbook on your nametag. If you would prefer to provide a different senior photo, please send it to Rachel at

We have really been working hard and having lots of conversations to provide you with a very enjoyable reunion. We even have a few special guests coming that will really add to the evening!  We hope you will take this opportunity to buy your ticket and join us in Cape for a night of great memories!

All the best,

Your 2001 Officers
Stephen, Rachel, Lindsay, and Sarah 


Here you can:  

  • Register for the Reunion - click ** 10 Year Reunion ** (left column)
  • Update your profile information
  • Help us find missing classmates
  • Find the latest information.
  • Find a link to our Facebook Group - where you can socialize, share photos, etc.

 CHS Alma Mater

















Special thanks to Ken Steinhoff for photo of CHS! See more of Ken Steinhoff's photos at


Hey Tigers! We hope everyone is doing well! Your class officers Lindsay Dement-Miller, Rachel (Wright) Sheets, Steev Staar and Sarah Muench have some exciting news for you: it's time for our Class of 2001 20-year Reunion. We've already begun planning for this milestone event, which will happen in the September 18, 2021, at the Port Cape Girardeau River City Yacht Club - so be sure to mark your calendar In the uncertain times of COVID-19, we'll be closely monitoring all health and safety gathering recommendations and move to backup plans if necessary. We'll be keeping you updated, so stay tuned. And in the meantime, spread the word, especially to anyone you know who is in our class but isn't currently in this group. Looking forward to seeing all of you! 
