Sr Year Revisited

1988 may have been just another year for most, but for us, this was "OUR" year, the pinnacle of our educational endeavor.  Below are just a few News Highlights, Top Movies, Statistics, Songs, and Music Videos from "OUR" Senior Year, 1987-88.

News Highlights

1987         1988
  • Evngelist Jim Baker Admits To Making Payments To Cover sexual Infidelity
  • Iraqi Missile Hits SS "Stark" In Persian Gulf And Kills 37
  • 19 Year Old German Flies Small Plane Into Moscow Square
  • Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker Is Replaced By Alan Greenspan
  • Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Is Re-elected For Third Time
  • Oliver North Takes Fifth Amendment In Contra Investigation
  • Gary Hart withdraws from Presidential race when sexual indiscretion is exposed
  • Dow Tops 2,700
  • 338 of 452 are convicted in Mafia trial in Polermo, Italy
  • Died; Fred Astaire , Jackie Gleson, Liberace, Rita Hayworth
  • Dow one day drop of 508 points becomes know as "Black Monday"
  • 50,000 gather at "Graceland", on the 10th anniversary of Elvis's death
  • USSR Plans To Withdraw From Afghanistan
  • Noriega Indited On Drug Charges
  • Aid To Contras Voted Down By House
  • Prostitute Reveals Liaison, TV Preacher Jimmy Swagggart Resigns
  • Vietnam Plans To Withdraw From Cambodia
  • Beaches Close As Record Heatwave Hits US Increasing Pollution
  • Junk Bond Dealer Micheal Milken Charged With Insider Dealing
  • US Accuses Iraq Of Mustered Gas Attacks On Kurds
  • Bush Wins Presidency
  • 280 Die On Pan AM Flight 103 Over Scotland, Bomb Suspected
  • Jessie Jackson wins 5 primaries on Super Sunday
  • INF Treaty ratified by Senate
  • Droughts cause widespread major crop and live stock damage across US
  • Iran Accepts UN resolution to withdraw from Iraq
  • 25,000 die in Arnenia earthquake
  • Tom Selleck in Magnum PI ends after 8 years
  • Former aid claims Nancy Reagan uses astrology to plan her husbands actives

Top Movies

1987                            1988
Three Men and a Baby   Rain Man
Fatal Attraction   Coming To America
Good Morning Vietnam   Big
Dirty Dancing   Twins
Full Metal Jacket   Bull Durham
Planes, Trains & Automobiles   Die Hard
Robocop   The Naked Gun
The Running Man   Young Guns


Vice President:

Life Expectancy:

Dow-Jones High:
Dow-Jones Low:

Federal Spending:
Federal Debt:
Consumer Price Index:
   Ronald Reagan
George Bush

74.9 years


$1064.14 billion
$2601.3 billion

Cost of a new home:
Cost of a new car:
Median Household Income:
Cost of a first-class stamp:
Cost of a gallon of regular gas:
Cost of a dozen eggs:
Cost of a gallon of Milk:
Cost of a movie ticket:
$0.22 ($0.25 as of 4/3/88)




MTV Videos



Page Compiled By: Justin & Gwenn Hall