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•   Cristita Bengil (Jabagat)  3/21
•   Paul Zosa  12/27
•   Royce Colegado  12/16
•   Jaime Esperanza (Esperanza)  8/10
•   Arlene Cabanca  8/9
•   Joshua Alforque  8/2
•   Elsa Arieta (Acosta)  7/22
•   Cheryl Oberes (Cabullo)  5/30
•   Adbebosa Siago (Pion)  2/14
•   Rofran Julart Flores  2/2
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•   Rofran Julart Flores  10/2
•   Ruchie Rosan Cabardo (Giray)  10/10
•   Waloma Lao (Arit)  10/12
•   Conrado Ordesta III  10/16


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 36.9%

A:   24   Joined
B:   41   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


WELCOME to the East Visayan Academy High School Alumni Class Of 1983 Website.

This website was created for the sole purpose to communicate and interact privately as we called it our homepage for Class 1983. After our graduation from our dear alma mater, we parted ways and never looked back. For over 28 years, we have been out-of-touch with one another, and we want to reconnect and know what's going on with your life.

There are one-hundred and fifty-five (155) graduates of Class 1983, and we've only been in-touch with a few.  We want to reach the rest and keep in-touch with them wherever they are from Appari to Jolo and in every part of the world from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.

Let us start our own community...let us reconnect with one another and get to know one another once again.   THIS IS YOUR OWN HOMEPAGE, Join now and register!  And we ask you to please refer this website to our batchmates.  IT IS FREE OF CHARGE TO JOIN THIS SITE.



Please check the "PHOTO GALLERY" Mr. Rofran Julart Flores uploaded reunion photos and to our delight our photos from the yearbook, you can check the photos under Bagets Photo Gallery. Feel free to add photos from the Bagets era, or photos taken from EVA, or photos that you just want to share with your classmates/batchmates.Thank you and enjoy.



A reunion was held last July 17, 2011 at EVA Function Room    attended by at least 35 of our batch mates. A short program was presented to the  delight of the attendees. Two balik bayans from the USA attended the reunion, Ruchie Cabardo, Waloma Lao, and Conrado Ordesta from Saudi Arabia.

Rofran Julart Flores  assisted by Emilia Pono and Cheryl Oberes organized the reunion. Royce Todd Colegado, Imelda Estojero, Elsa Arieta, and Cristina Bastian gave their contribution even though they are overseas.

It was good to see old  familiar faces and share fond memories of the past and present after 28 years, as "Good Memories last forever and never does it die; True friends stay together and never say good bye." was the theme of our reunion.

Although only few attended the reunion but it was worth the feeling to be a part of the once-in-a blue moon and memorable event, to meet our fellow alumni of our dear Alma mater East Visayan Academy... "Where Youth Begins to Serve".


Hold on to your seats...our Grand Reunion for Class 1983, which is our 30th, will be in the year 2013.  Dates are still indefinite and inconclusive so that is why we need your input, ideas, and suggestions.  We'll keep you posted for more news.


Our Appreciation to Alevem Moralde for continuing updating our Class 1983 website for easy use and access for everyone, and of course, making it more attractive. If you have any suggestions, please send a message to Alevem Moralde.



Can you still remember this pathway? Think about it, this is the same pathway that lead us to our goals and dreams in life. Some have achieved their goals and some have not, it's because every footstep you made through this pathway counts, a countless footsteps you made lead you to your dreams in life and the lesser footsteps you have made lead you to your downturns in life.

But what matters most is the essence of being a part of this pathway, because this pathway guides us to be a better person, brave enough to tackle the challenges in life. We may not have the riches and prestige to boast, and yet we are still fortunate to be molded by our dear alma mater, EAST VISAYAN ACADEMY... "Where Youth Begin to Serve."














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