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•   Brad Andersen  8/16
•   Eric Swanson  5/22
•   David Klopp  12/10
•   Halee Von Voltenburgh (McBroome)  12/10
•   Cynthia Davis  9/7
•   Kathy Talbott (Kyle)  9/7
•   Son Thanh Nguyen  9/6
•   Dawn Heiderscheit (Leonard)  6/12
•   Afshin Mahmoudi  11/11
•   Charlotte Evans (Schuchart)  4/16
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82 live in Iowa
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235 location unknown


It's been 25 years. Who's ready to celebrate?

Washington Class of 1986 25 year class reunion
August 12-13, 2011
Cedar Rapids, Iowa (of course!)

Below is a listing of the 25 year reunion activities currently being planned. To find more more information on any of these topics, click on the LEFTSIDE links.

RSVPs are now being accepted. Pre-payment of checks is preferred, but an online credit card option is available (though it costs 4.9% more to pay with a credit card). RSVPs are requested by Monday, Aug. 8, 2011.

To see a complete class list and add information about your current life, complete the LOG IN process at the right (which is free), or click on the first name in the "Profile Updates." Thanks!

To volunteer to help with events, contact Wendy (Caraway) Bailey.

Social Night Out: Fri., Aug. 12, 2011
Plan to meet up with old friends.
Location: Chrome Horse Saloon

Golf Outing: Sat., Aug. 13, 2011 
Washington Class of 1986 Golf Tourney
Location: Ellis Golf Course

Family Picnic: Sat., Aug. 13, 2011
A family-friendly picnic is being planned for the afternoon.
Location: Bever Park - Noon - 3:00

Reunion Party: Sat., Aug. 13, 2011
The party of the weekend. Adults only.
Location: Cedar Rapids Country Club