In Memory

Alan Broquist

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03/08/19 09:26 AM #1    

Doug Wilson

There's a lot of names on this list that probably many people remember but I'm not so sure about this one. I don't think he had a lot of friends.  Al or 'Bro' as he was known, was the original hippie, before CU had hippies. I think the deal was his family, college professors maybe? - took them to live in Sweden or somewhere like that, and I believe Al's older brother was killed in Viet Nam. Al had long straight blond almost white hair - kinda looked like Edgar Winter - and drove a real Mini Cooper they'd brought back with them.

Through Al trying to put together a band, I think is how I met what became my best friends, Doug Roesch and Frank Russell who were a  year older. Ron Karlstrom was drumming for the tryouts in Bro's basement.  We three and Joe Frank (married Dawn Baldus and lives in nearby Ft Collins, I think) formed a not very good band that we played together in all through high school. The good band was Jack and Steve Simon's 'Rogues' though Russ Babb and others had a decent band too, the Clicques. Roger Francisco taught us all guitar and had a studio he recorded both of those bands in, I still have a '45 from that pressing. I think Bro ended up in a band but I don't remember any more about him.

Anyway, a toast to a great guy who was an original and a truly good person. Cheers, Bro.

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