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•   Susan Sheneman (1987)  1/22
•   Mark DeMeo (1986)  1/8
•   Wayne Mc Cormick (1986)  11/14
•   Mark Braun (1987)  9/10
•   Serafino Garella  9/8
•   Judith Nerad (1987)  9/7
•   Ostap Melnyk (1988)  9/7
•   Bill Chamberlin  9/6
•   Dave Hatem (1988)  9/4
•   Andrew Caughey (1985)  9/4
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
7 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in District Of Columbia
3 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
16 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Maine
2 live in Maryland
5 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
3 live in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
3 live in Vermont
1 lives in Virginia
3 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Ontario
3 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 68.9%
A:   51   Joined
B:   23   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Save September 9, 2017 for our first-ever housestaff reunion for the interns of 1982-7. This site will update you on events of the weekend, including the reunion dinner Saturday night. You can reserve dinner by clicking the Reunion Dinner link to the left. Stay tuned for other weekend events. 

Look at the Missing Classmates link to help us get email contact with your colleagues. You can either send them the link to this site to register, or have them contact Frazier Stevenson ( directly if they are interested.

Use the Profile page to tell us about your life since leaving residency, and to post pictures of your past and present. Reese pictures are particularly welcome! This will give us a yearbook when all are done. 

Check out the Hospital and Group Photos page for Michael Reese (and us) then, and the sad ex-hospital now. If you have more of these, send them to me for inclusion or post them yourself.

For questions, contact Frazier Stevenson at, or 813-841-7193. This should be a lot of fun, and I look foward to seeing you all in September! 

September 6 Update and Details

Please read details on this weekend's events. 

My phone is 813-841-7193: call or text for questions all week. If you text me, make sure to include your name!

Saturday evening reunion dinner at GreenRiver Chicago

Address: 259 E Erie Street

Time: 6pm wine/beer reception, 7-10pm dinner. 

Dress: Work casual (I will not be wearing a tie, but you can!). Evenings have been chilly lately, and our reception has an outdoor terrace option with great views, so wear a jacket if you get chilly. Make sure to put on your nametag, which I will leave near the reception entrance.

Parking: The GreenRiver Restaurant is on the 18th floor of the Northwestern Hospital Lavin Family Pavilion. Beginning at 5:30pm you can use Nortwestern Parking Lot B, right next door, across the street from the Emergency Entrance. Get your ticket validated by the restaurant before leaving, and you will pay $11. If you prefer Valet parking, this is done from directly in front of the Lavin Family Pavilion, and will cost $18 for 4 hours.

Friday Cocktails and/or Free Concert downtown--all welcome!

Meet in the lobby bar of the Palmer House Hotel, 17 E Monroe

Time: I will be in the bar 5-6:15pm--come join me whether or not you plan to go to the concert. At 6:15 concert-goers will grab some picnic food at a local shop, then walk to Millenial Park; 7:30 free concert should be over by 9. Text me if you are late and I will let you know where we are. 

Dress: warmly, and bring a blanket to sit on (I will "borrow" one from my hotel).

Saturday morning Architecture Tour---spots still available

Address: Chicago Architecture Foundation, 224 S. Michigan Ave.

Time: Meet at 9:45am in front. I have your tickets if you prepaid. If not, go inside and buy a ticket for the 10am "Historic Skyscrapers" tour, or get a ticket online. Lasts two hours.

Dress: Walking shoes, outdoor clothing (it's on foot, outdoors). 

Saturday afternoon picnic--all are welcome, even if you did not prepay for Giordano's Pizza!

Address:  Meet in front of Chicago Architecture Foundation, 224 S. Michigan Ave. We will walk over to somewhere near Buckingham Fountain. 

Time: Meet by 12:15. Text me if you are late and I will tell you where we are. 

Dress/Details: Outdoor clothing. Bring a blanket ( I will have a couple extras). If you did not prepay for pizza/beverage, bring your own food--there is a  sandwich stand near Buckingham fountain to get food. Email me back by Thursday 5pm if you want to add yourself to the pizza/beverage list, and then prepay on the website. 

Storing stuff: If you are also going on the architecture tour at 10 and want to store picnic stuff during the tour, go to and text/call me at the Palmer House hotel (17 E Monroe, 5 minute walk) between 9-9:30am, and you can leave things in my room. 
