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•   Steven Hogue  1/4
•   Sengchanh Vannarath  5/24
•   Fatima Laffite  1/10
•   Warren Jensen  4/16
•   Lori Tuter (Teague)  4/9
•   Lynn Tuttle (Oestreich)  4/9
•   Julie Van Dyke  4/9
•   Todd Gorton  3/31
•   Bronwen Orner (Grady)  6/19
•   Mac Norlie (Norlie)  12/17
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
102 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
3 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
2 live in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
2 live in Nevada
8 live in Oregon
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Spain
1 lives in United Kingdom
248 location unknown


•   Arran Harvey  9/19
•   Andrew Hibdon  9/24
•   Lynn Tuttle (Oestreich)  9/27
•   Norelia Cerda (Caldera)  9/28
•   Kandice Duncan (Lowe)  9/28
•   Matthew Tennis  9/30
•   Tracy Copeland (Copper)  10/5
•   Matthew Hardy (Tia Hardy)  10/5
•   Susan Wood (Lemmons)  10/6
•   Trent Smith  10/10
•   Jessica Lawler (Robinson)  10/14
•   Robert M. Vanella  10/17
•   Cherisse Gibson (Tenney)  10/18


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Chico High Class Of 1991 web site!

This website will most likely be maintained for future reunions so set it up as a "Favorite" now!

If you have not already, please use the "Classmate Profiles" link and select your name then click the "Add Your Info" button. If your name is not listed on our site please use the link at the bottom of that page to contact us or use the "Contact Us" link that can be found in the left menu. Update your info and keep it updated as life changes...

If you have not purchased your ticket(s), please do so on or before July 24th - I turn in our final numbers to Bacio Catering on July 25th. The ticket price is $70 per person (only through July 24th) - on and after July 25th, they will be $85 and only a certain amount of them will be available - depending on what Bacio recommends. You will have to contact me by phone (707-599-7182 cell/text) and pay by money order or cash -- IF tickets are available...

We also have a facebook group page - CHS Class of 1991 which you can find at - please join this group if you are on FB and rsvp on the event page found at

Please spread the word about this website and the facebook group page - look who has updated their profile and who has not... contact the people you are really looking forward to catching up with! Let's make this a great event!

If you have any questions, please contact me at 707-599-7182 (cell/text)

~make it a great day!
